This was totally stolen! ^^

Get to know the real me behind my characters! Copy and paste it into your own blog and tell me! I will read yours :D ♥
This or That:
1:Day or night? Night
2:Cozy hoodie or warm sweater? Cozy Hoodie
3:Closet door open or closed? Closed
4:Road trip or travel by train? Road trip
5:Move around forever or live your whole life in one place? Live your whole life in one place( I ahte moving)
6:60s music or 70s music? 70s
7:Immortality or one well-lived life? well-lived
8:Deaf or blind? blind
9:Big dogs or small dogs? Big dogs
10:Apples or oranges? Apples
11:Pen or pencil? Mechanical pencils
12:One job forever or an unending series of amusing jobs? series of amusing jobs
13:(When a movie based on a book comes out) Book first, or movie first? book first
14:Ruffled potato chips or plain? plain
15:Desert or mountains? mountains...I hate the desert T^T
If you were ________ for a day, what would you do?:
16:5 years old again: sleep, eat, and play!
17:a pilot: Die of fright. I hate heights. I would call my younger sister for help because she wants to be a pilot
18:the richest wo/man in the world: Give money to charity to help those in need. I would help my family, and freidns in need. Buy all the KPOP stuff I want. I WOULD ALSO BUY SM ENTERTAINMENT AND FIX IT.... I would bring back all the people SM wronged in the past...Put money in the bank for intrest so I can lie off it. Make sure my heirs dont get any money UNLESS their hearts are in the right place. They have to know and learn to be hardwroking like the poor. I dont want them getting everything they want.
19:president/monarch/prime minister/whatever of your country: Try to make it a better place. Give homeless help, find cure to cancer and even fix our towns.
20:a dog: Sleep all day!♥
21:the opposite : I would be a drag queen and go meet new drag friends.
22:homeless: I would beg for money~
23:your favourite tv character: I would be Queen Mary from Reign....Beat Francis and Lola, try to save my country from recent mistakes and be best freinds with Queen Catherine Because everyone knows she is the freaking best! I would also get with bash because everyone loves bash...But I also love Francis...Its a hard life being Queen.
24:an invincible superhero: Fight Crime and make the world a better place...Also! I WOULD FIGHT SASAENG FANS!
25:transported to the year 1300CE in Britain: Invent things so my family line is the most powerfull in the world. It would advanced history faster!
26:childhood cereal? Count Chocula
27:brand of shoes? Dont have any
28:colour? Purple, Blue and Green
29:flower? SaIris, orchids, cherry blossoms
30:kind of car? Don't have one
31:place in your house? Living room/computer room and Kitchen
32:non-domestic animal? Panda
33:item(s) in your bedroom? bed, KPOP posters and stuffed animals
34:time of the day? After 7pm
35:cartoon character? Sailor moon
36:subject in school? English, Art, and Music
37:smell? Twighlight Woods perfume
38:beverage? Chai Tea, Lemonade (Strawberry lemonade), Chocolate Milk (or milk in general)
39:hamburger (or veggie burger) condiment?  I put A1 sauces on my hamburgers... ^^
40:accessory? uhmm.....I dont have one
41:best personality trait? Caring, Creative, Nurturing
42:worst personality trait? Stubbron, Picky,
43:ideal height? maybe like 5'7"
44:actual height? 5'3 or 5'4"
45:eye colour? Hazel, They change deending on what I wear and lighting
46:birthday? October 3rd, 1996
47:best physical trait? eyes
48:worst physical trait? My weight and height
49:best memory before age 5? Being at Santa's Workshop with my elder brther and my cousin who is three months older.
50:best memory in the last month? My birthday and Hanging out with the Ochoa Boyz again. (if you dont know who they are look them up. Great boys.)
Your opinion on:
51:your country's leader? Obama...meh I dont really love him or like him or whatever.
52:prison reform? I don't know
53:police? Some are good some are bad.
54:your country's educational system? I don't even know its crazy at times. Sometimes its stupid.
55:whistleblowers (Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, etc.)? What?
How many:
56:years have you been in school (total)? 11 (I graduated a ytear early from Highschoola nd now I am in College.)
57:animals do you have? 3 Dogs ( A pug and 2 Pit Bulls) and 2 Cats
58:places have you lived in? 7 (5 in Colorado and 2 in California)
59:countries have you visited? None
60:limbs does your family (animals included) have put together? 44, 2 Parents 3 siblings, myself, three dogs and two cats!
61:rooms does your house/flat have? 6 rooms
62:minutes does your morning routine take you? 15 to 30.Depends on the day.
63:times have you had your heart broken? I have never dated anyone so none..Emptying the ice cream container breaks my heart.
64:phone calls do you make a day?  1 to 10 at the most...I hate talking on the phone.
65:national parks/sites have you visited? A lot..To many to count. I use to live less than a mile from one!
Deep questions:
66:Assuming extraterrestrial life exists and is of equal or greater intelligence/advancement to us, would you want it to contact us or leave each other alone?  Depends honestly....
67:If you had one day to live and one person to spend it with, who would that person be and what would you do? I woud want it with someone in my family. It would be a day of fun doing things I would never do usually and with lots of photos...That or with a KPOP person /shot
68:If you could choose different parents from the ones you had, would you? No, I wouldn't be me.
69:What do you suppose would happen if all the money in the world was suddenly and equally redistributed? Life wuld end as we know it. People wouldnt want to work, and some people wouldnt know what to do with all the money they have or dont have. I think it would be a crazy time and stuff.
70:You've discovered the cure for cancer. Do you sell it and become insanely rich, knowing that pharmaceutical companies can (and will) do anything they please with it, or do you give it away for free to ensure access to it for everyone? Give it away for free....
Tell me about:
71:your parents: I am like my mom in so many ways. She is always there and We support each other. My father works hard to support my family and is very kind.
72:your siblings: My eldest brother Jordan is great. he has such a funny personailty that like to talk and play. My younger sister Natasha and I have a really close bond. She and I like to watch KPOP stuff and Dramas and she is aways there for me. SHe knows me fully and I trust her with a lot. She has an attitude though ^^ Sorry Tasha I HAD TO SAY IT! Jaidyn my youngest sibling is very creative nad cooks really well. She is an absolute 'Princess' but she can be a pain sometimes.
73:your childhood:  I hung out with my elder brother and my cousin and we played all the time.
74:your best friend: My mother, sister Natasha, and my cousin Sam are my bet friends!
75:a time you were betrayed: Just last night....My Cat Bae betrayed me and left me to cuddle with my mother!
76:a time a stranger was kind to you: The other day some lady hugged me and complimented me because I was such a kind girl.
77:your ideal date: Getting to know the person sitting down eating or something.
78:one book you'd love to see made into a movie (assuming it was a good adaptation): Night World, Ink Exchange...(can fanfiction count because I have a few of those i love~)
79:the last time you were pleasantly surprised: When I got my signed big Bangs CD in the mail today!
80:the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you: My heart is in the right place.
Fill in the blank:
81:I think people are basically ________. Insane
82:Poetry is ________.  creative
83:I'd literally rather die than ________. Than have to denounce Jesus.
84: is ________. a special moment between you and your soulmate.
85:The concept of race is ________. unimportant. Everyone is created equally
86:If you could change your name, would you? No there is no other name that fits me.
87:What is your ideal climate? Cool..Not hot (not over 85) and not cold (under 60)
88:Do you like to colour in colouring books?  Yes
89:Would you rather have one really close friend forever, or have lots of people move in and out of your life (assuming most of these relationships are positive)? one really close friend forever
90:Do you ever get overwhelmed thinking about space and time? No
91:Do you believe in soulmates? yes
92:Why did you get into your favourite TV show? My family all find something t watch and so we watch Reign together...Also, we wanted to watch a Korean drama together and we loved it!
93:Can you roll your tongue? yes
94:Are manners important to you? yes! Very!
95:Do you think things were better in the past, or do people tend to over-romanticise it? Better in the past...Most people in those generations stayed together and worked through things. Now, you are unhappy you devorce
96:What is your favourite poem? I have a lot I really enjoy. I dont have one favorite one.
97:Would you rather die at 70 with the love of your life, or live another 30 years to be 100 without them? 70 with love of my life
98:Who is the most important person to youMy mother...(really all of my family))
99:What is your biggest regret? Acting like I did in the 6th grade. I got into the whole EMO/Scene phase and I drank alchol, smoked weed ect. Looking back it ws stupid and I embarrassed my selfT^T...Also I went to many concerts (though I did meet the bands like Escape the Fate, Bring Me the horzion, Breathe Caronlina, Asking Alexandria ect.) and became close friends wth them my cousin and brother grew to hate me. They felt like I was treated better and from then on it changed our relationship. To this day they still hold that aginst me and when I was sick with Mono and could help move and pack they were angry. Once again they felt like I was a spoiled princess baby. So because of my  6th and 7th grade it really made i harsh impact....
100:What is one thing that gives you hope for the future of the world? Jesus....



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GIZIBAE 10 years ago
imma steal this o u o
Depraved 10 years ago
We have things in common <3
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