My Rant....

Tags 2014 rant 

So here it is...

Three things have been bugging me as of late...NonAu Roleplay & Recently new Rper & Poke

1. Non Au: I can't stand them. I can't stand the fact that NonAu is becoming so popular and growing so fast, that basically it becoming all I see in Roleplay. And now I don't apply and I get annoyed because I do want to roleplay. I love roleplay. Now, most of you probably think I don't give it a try! But I do. I do give it a try. Every time I am in it, I leave. Without a doubt. Maybe stay for a day or two. Maybe an hour or three.


I hate people popping out saying "Hi! I am BLANK from BLANK!"

No. I hate knowing you. I want to meet you through storyline, adventure, plot twist. Not...I know you because I seen you in TV or same music program or worse...we already knew each other because we are BOTH Kpop star.

No. Just No.

2. New Roleplayer: I am known as a 2014 role-player. I admit it, but I feel like I been here long enough to see the change in RPR and I can't ing stand it. The face chasing has sky rocket. And yes, many know me as Chanyeol Park or Luhan Xi or Jackson Wang or Kris Wu, so I do play popular character, but I give everyone the chance to get to know me. But if you are bugging me, poking me, and perusing me for the character face and not me. It's annoys me and I stop talking to you. Which end up being a fight. Immature.

I also hate people who leave a roleplay (Mines or Others) with such a sour attitude. They state horrible reason like "BLANK is leaving because this roleplay makes me feel unwelcomed" or like "BLANK is leaving because this roleplay ."

That is just so rude and you just discourage others, who might join it, from applying. Not to mention you are dissing my or other people work. Today I had an RPer who PM me with this problem and then started to make a scene that her character had NO lover or NO friend (Mind you the rp is about criminal hating each other) and she left because of that. She only stayed for one day (Not fully) and she leaves stating this rp is unwelcoming.  Roleplaying takes time. Everything takes time. Everyone has to understand, you won't meet friend on the first day or first month, and if you really feel unwelcome than leave. Leave simply by stating your leaving or leave character. But don't trash anyone RP. I am not going to lie, I see comment like that in another roleplay and because of that, I heistate to join. Thanks for that and Thanks for trashing my roleplay.

I have also experiences so many OCC problem. Which I don't understand why. I am very forward person and could be very blunt and heartless, I admit. My writing aren't cute like "/Shot/" or "ono" but I do talk to everyone who gives me the chance and I do try to befriend those who want to be friend. I don't tend to talk OCC with many but when I do, is because I have a topic to talk about or we have to plot or we know each other long enough. Now there are those people that do mix OCC and IC. And talk IC drama to the heart and start to attack others with their OCC problem. As Admin to Kwon Uni, I have seen it being done and it bugs me and I cut it short. But how can you guys miss those up. You are playing a CHARACTER. Everything that's not () is character. And when your OCC feeling get missed up...its time to take a break. Be it a week or a month. Just do it.


The Pokes!

3. Poke: I poke people. I do. I am sorry I do. But I at least poke at normal time. (Been a 1 week or 4 days without response) I poke. Or when I feel as if someone isn't into the story, I poke them with "If you don't want roleplay, that's fine. I don't want to bug you. Do you wish to end it or redo or contuine?" But there are those roleplay that poke every minute, I have experiences poke under 5 minutes and some poke me because I am talking to someone. I am AWARE of your post but if I am talking to my "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" or "best friend" or "love interest" and is busy, I will respond to them. If you are a side person, you will get one...when I feel like it. So stop poking me. If you are confuse if you are side...if you get a lack of response and other get are a SIDE. Some I might forget...which is why a poke is okay...but if you poke and still no are a SIDE character.

Wait your turn.


Now I am aware, I might get a lot of hate for this, but I just needed to vent and state my thoughts about this. Some might agree and it would be awesome if you comment because I do like hearing other intact and talk about it. But this is it.

Those who I talk to and got to know, this isn't directed at you and I love you.

Get Fighting.

And any good AU roleplay....PLEASE...PLEASE ADVERTISE.





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freaknastae 10 years ago
This rant of yours, basically almost everything I want to say about how it is roleplaying in RPR nowadays- but damn, the so called person that left with the sour attitude acquired though, I too am trying not to get myself bothered over it either but there was that assumption where us admins didn't do a well enough job and and that person somehow managed to get depressed over well.. a couple of hours which is possibly the same amount given before the same person decided to go and poke me- which is that definite I don't like although it's probably the least of my problems now. sighs.
shipperofallships 10 years ago
- but to be honest it was more ic blew into ooc but its con located so ill just leave it at that.

Poking. I completly agree with you. if its sevrel days (I say three or more) then please poke me. But if its an hour then stop, seriously. Sometimes you just need time to think.granted if on a fb roleplay I get senzoned for an hour, I will poke, but as you know I like to wait about three days.

(Should I be brave and poke you here? :3)

So thats my responses. I do just want to add something I hate. I hate when someone is so focused on their charecter having a relationship that they feel theu are entitled to it. Like...they get mad if another charecter like their crush and the crush likes that person back. They get all "I liked him first!" But seriously, if he d oesn like you back, he isn't yours so stop it. Just because /you/ want it doea not mean you will get it v.v
shipperofallships 10 years ago
I agree with so much of this. I love non AU, its easier for me and more fun because lets face it, we arent idols and even if a lot is plate we dont know every aspect of their life. We dont know who they are actually close to or who they arent, who they love or who they dont. In some sense we do roleplay with them in AU because yes they may be idols but but how much stuff do we exaggerate for the roleplay? Im in one roleplay (a Facebook one) where it is non-AU but I play it like an AU charecter.because if we played an non-Au like a non-AU it would be concert, photo shoot, practice, concert, film, practice, recording, practice, sleep somewhere, practice etc. Not very good for a story line.

As for face chasing. I hate that, soooo much. Because you can be in a roleplay and have an amazing developed charecter or story line that is lead in into romance but just because someone wants their TOP or to be with their favorite idol they break off what your charecters had to persue the a different idol. I mainly play BamBam and I only have one roleplay where I even date someone from the same band, but its because we had a great plot that lead to that. And I love the crack pairings and often times find that me roleplaying someone who is using a charecter I normally dont like usually gets me more interested. Take for example the roleplay you and I are together. I did not like v to be honest, but then we had a plot, all though strange and confusing without ever actually sitting down and plotting something, that made our charecters grow into a relationship and now I really like v and the couple we had made. Though I dont think its just new rprs, many of them do this, but many "veterans" do it.

IC and OOC, okay. So, I do not think people should mix the two. Its different, dont let personal emotions affect your charecter. If you are so mad at someone OOC tell an admin or just ignore them. Granted I will say I am guilty of letting OOC bleed into IC-
baby-groot 10 years ago
I agree with a lot of this. One thing that bugs me in general though is random starters, especially ones that are just copied and pasted to a million different people. I'd like a little more effort than that.
gentlewhisper 10 years ago
About the non-au rp, I actually had only joined one and stayed there, all the others seems doll and boring, so I totally agree with you there, at least when the rp is an au rp, you get a chance to create a character and create a story, but when it is a non-au, you are forced to follow a character, like when a new MV of your group comes out or you win an award, then people would be like "you guys were awesome" or "congrats you won" and worse is when people write, "I had been busy preparing for my next album" -.-"

As for the new rp-er, I also agree with you, some Doesnt even give it a chance. They arrive at one rp, they wait for an hour or two, and if their bias is taken or not talking to them, they leave.
I always try to join as different characters and most the time I join as less known people, from groups like Kara or After School, but I do tend to see the face chasing a lot.
For example, let a rp-er join as a SNSD member, and even if the rp-er actually isn't a good "writer" they still get all the attention (now don't let me start with EXO). I feel like everyone should get their chance even if they rp, as someone you don't like much, or someone who isn't from EXO.

As for the IC and OOC problem, it can even get worse than that. Do you believe that I once got kicked out of a rp, because the person the admin "loved" asked me to be their girlfriend? Yup I got kicked out, and without a warning or anything, and that is just childish. Like if you are going to be an admin, you can't just choose who should stay and who should get kicked out based on your own feeling. Then there is those who can't see the different between IC and OOC and that is a HUGE problem, because if my character is rude, that doesn't makes me as a person OOC rude.

Lastly the poking, well only one thing to be said, just ignore it. That is what I do when it gets annoying, a reminder is fine. As you said a poke after a week or at least three days, because we are all people and we might forget.
OneTwo 10 years ago
I agree with most of this. I actually like nonau. But when it's 40 people in the rp and I respond to everyone.. It gets boring very fast.- When it's always "Hey Im... From.." And the convo is about how much they liked the latest comeback and how hard it is being an idol.. No story line, no personality. I have to admit I do it myself some times, but that's bc I mirror a lot.
Im actually okay with a fine line between serious and crack though, as long as the nonau character have something more than just a face, if you know what I mean?
Haha, sorry for the random drop by..
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