+important: help required for article

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I'm writing an article about the misogyny in the kpop fandom because recently things have been going out of control and though I'im not an active feminist, this is really bothering me and I want to express things that some people may not be doing on purpose, and the injustices and whatnot. 

Anyways, a good article cannot be written without proper sources and examples. This is me asking you guys if you would be willing to help me in finding examples and sources for my article so that I can validate my point more strongly. 

If you do have some, will you please send them to me via personal message? It would be a great help. I'm trying to make this a big project so I can make a powerful statement. 


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jester 10 years ago
You can read through the grabs narrative blog
parksakuralopez 10 years ago
well, how do you personally define misogyny? is this going to be about all of those 'y' concepts?
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