Real Talk...


I'm making this public in case people want to see it, or have something to say/disagree on.

I was talking to my friend Nicole, and others for awhile for the past few days about rpr, and how the meaning of it changed. A lot of people are biased, even for the girls - I notice that if you ask them to roleplay, they hardly respond or forget your post in a heart beat when a guy post on their wall. For me, I've been making plots for EVERYONE, I have that friendly-aura where I want everyone to feel welcome in any roleplay I co-admin/admin/ or join. I normally play as guys, and I know how hard it is for girls to get attention because I seen it.

There's a lot of rps - nothing against, , of course. But when I do see roleplays that allow all povs and ualities, the girls get ignored so much. For me, I join those types of roleplays as guys only, so I never really had to deal with that short end of the stick - but I've seen it. And then the girls jump on the guys that are straight or even taken? Like, people want to be in relationships so bad. Where are those friendship plots? Sister plots? Old High School buddies, Myth busting crew - the types of plots where everyone can be included and not have to wait on one person to respond to them? I'm saying this because as a person that roleplays as guys, I have these problems. I have people waiting on me to respond, and the moment they see me post elsewhere, they become hurt and angered at me.

But I also notice that people are starting to get weird again.

I'm getting weird messages from people in my inbox, and my characters inbox. Getting plenty of attitudes from other female rpers if my female character ( which is rare I even play as one ) gets “too much attention”, and I have already asked them if they wanted to roleplay - but they're not enthusiastic anymore. I'm starting to see a bunch of drama kings/queens come back to rpr, and join the rps I'm in - so I have to leave quickly, because I hate drama. I hate people joining rps where they're with someone I guess ooc - or have this possessive and weird atmosphere around them that makes the other person that was talking happily, shut down and ignore everyone else.

It's sad.

I don't feel comfortable anymore, either.

I only feel comfortable around my friends, and I don't want it to be like that. I don't want to close myself up and not talk to others, or post in the ooc ( since I stopped doing that since people enjoy repeating everything I say to their friends so they can come up to me, and bother me too ). I don't mind the pokes and such, but to honestly hit my inbox and tell me who I replied to OOC, and sass me up and down – makes me feel like I can’t post anything. Half of the time, I don’t respond to wallposts because people will stoop that low just to see when and how long ago you replied. And blocking doesn’t help, when they come back or have a second account you knew nothing about – and have been talking to that person for awhile.

Man, rpr used to be fun.

I'm not blaming the people on my friends list, but a very good friend of mine told me to just keep the people I have talked to the most, and know instead of keeping those who stay quiet and lurk around. It's weird. I don't like it, maybe you're not lurking around - but due to experiences, I take that to heart. So I'll be unfriending a lot of people today. No hard feelings. If we ever stumble upon each other in a roleplay, I don't care if you talk to me there! But my friends list is going to be strictly for friends, people I have talked to that are on hiatus, roleplay'd with and admire their style or that aren't extremely biased. Yeah, we all get thirsty a bit when our bias comes, but should we neglect everyone else that’s trying their hardest to plot with you? And I can honestly say, my friends that I know, are so different and it makes me feel good. They make people feel welcomed and do their best to make sure everyone feel like they can actually talk to someone in my roleplays. And I love that.

It sounds like I'm closing myself up, but I think this will be the best for now.

I hope you all have a bless day! Maybe I'm the only one that feels like this but, I need to post it.


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lulubutt 9 years ago
I came across this while blogsurfing and can I just say .. this is so accurate. You're not the only one that feels this way. I'm pretty sure you've noticed but 99.9% of the roleplays on are dead because of these issues. These days - people just go through the masterlist, click on a name they want as their boyfriend/girlfriend and start talking to only them or just a few more and ignore the others. They get into relationships so easily now in just a day. I only play as guys and I try my best to talk to everyone but most of the time they ignore me then I decided to change my usual character to Sehun and suddenly, the moment I joined, my character wall was getting attacked with tons of messages so I realized it was face chasing, ignoring and selective replies. The rooms were active 24/7 without the admin forcing them to be and. I've been here since the end of 2012 and rpr was so much fun back than. I would get excited before clicking the log in button but now, it's like a duty to me - coming here I mean. Back then, users here were so friendly and was like a big family. Almost everyone had more than 200 people on their friend list but now? We're all scared or uncomfortable accepting friend requests. For some reason, I keep hoping it'll change and go back to the way it was before. Anyways, I don't want to make this long because I can go on forever and ever. You seem like a cool and chill person to talk to aha bless you. I'm glad I stumbled upon this.

( XD I know this is late since you posted it on march 1st buttt I just had to comment this. )
ce2b55b1a4197a4440c7 9 years ago
Bewbs, you have just summed up how I have been feeling about this place for the last couple of months. I used to look forward to check my rpr every now and then. My feelings and attachment to this place is slowly fading away.
Btw, hi
oppasdiq 9 years ago
everything pisses me off about rpr.
ISXXC_ 9 years ago
and in some cases it got up to the point that i just gave up and created new accounts to start fresh. otl.
ISXXC_ 9 years ago
wow, i just stumbled upon your post while blogsurfing and can i just- this is so accurate.
i was recently in an rp, and i always try to rp with everyone, no matter who their character is, so i was plotting with a bunch of different people. and in one of our plots, we needed a school room. so i pmed the admin with my request and the photos for the room in the format she asked for, but i didn't receive a reply for like ages. and she just kept rping with the same 3 or so people. when i asked her if she needed help, she just refused it. otl. honestly i don't get people who facechase or only rp with specific rpers - just make a private rp for you and your friends if you're going to do that.

and i understand the part you wrote about replies. tbh i wouldn't say i'm a selective replier, but some posts are easier and quicker to reply to than others, especially if it's some ooc message or a short first pov post. but i don't think people understand that, and some people are just so needy that if they posted on your wall first and see you reply to someone else's post just above theirs first, they get pissed off. like chill. sometimes i read your post on mobile and forget to reply to it--people don't need to get all up in your face. don't they have a life or something?
honestly i remember being on rpr in 2012 when it first started and it was the best; i made tons of friends and the rps, unlike now, weren't just all about matchmaking and didn't go inactive after only a few days. i feel you ; A ;

i started to rant too much but this post was just spot on otl
cognition 9 years ago
Lord, if I could count all of the times I've felt the same. You pretty much summed up part of my thoughts.
DamnDaehyun 9 years ago
Of course I'm already at that point where I don't accept nor request friends but I'll say a quote that I think sums up you by not closing yourself off but staying with the people you appreciate. "Stick to what you know, but don't be afraid to grow"
1069516efe8cb1773899 9 years ago
i very very much agree with you it has
happened to me like once before it
(/gives you a virtual hug even it may be creepy
of me a stranger hugging you)
xxkimmie 9 years ago
Preach it girl
-vonnie 9 years ago
kagaki 9 years ago
I agree with what you say. It's another story when you role play with someone that isn't an Korean idol or actor/actress. But all that you said is true ^^
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