+pm rp request?

Tags roleplay 

I really wanna do something that's like royalty with me being the girl OTL I can't do male that well these days
I want her to be knocked up at one point

Or have something like her being knocked up in a school setting that non royal OTL 

please someone ;n;


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SeokMyMin 9 years ago
.___________________________. i should hit you.
-goddess 9 years ago
JK I love you
blanksilhouettes 9 years ago
OTL I was about to say for royalty we're already doing that if you want to continue but you said you wanted to be a girl. XD lol
And we were doing . Haha. ^^; Sorry I can't offer any PM RP help today then.
Would you like to continue our RP another time? o u o
Or do you just want to drop it?
-goddess 9 years ago
No thank you :)
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