+plots for roleplaying (pm or in a roleplay)

Status [M]
Tags roleplay 

I'll include a list of people I want to roleplay and what kind of plots I'm looking for (briefly of course but yeah). 


List of people I want to roleplay: 

Park Soojoo
Sin Minjeong
Eric Thai




crown me (preferred people: yujeong/yulhee) - can have supernatural elements

princess x king/prince plot or princess x merchant/servant

Yujeong/Yulhee is a princess and it'll involve war, romance and an accidental pregnancy. can happen. Abuse can happen. 


faeries (preferred: yujeong/soojoo)

supernatural. yujeong is a faerie from the seelie court. lover can be fromt he seelie court as a prince/king/princess or from the unseelie court as an arch nemesis. war and romance please. 


i'm not all there (preferred: SOOJOO/yujeong)

soojoo has a split personality and isn't always there in the head. soo is her darker, more daring adrenaline run without morals person. joo is her childish side that is incredibly smart but emotionally immature. she needs someone to set her on the right track but will she ever find it? 


yeah i'm different (preferred: eric)

eric lost a leg in a horrible accident. it stopped his career as a dancer but he never gave up on trying to search a better life. he did hit off on a bad road, suffering from alcoholism, but then he met you. and he finally thought he could be better.


scars (preferred: MINJUNG/yujeong/soojoo)

minjung was in an accident that took down her house, her little brother and her mom. all that's left is her dad who has not a scratch on him while she suffers the emotinal scars of having lost half her family, her childhood and part of her body. With scars on 40% of her body her entire torso is riddled in burn marks, down her leg, up her neck and onto part of her face. she spends a lot of time in the hospital. but it's the people she meets that stick with her. 


that was my baby (preferred: minjung/yujeong/eric)

high school sweet hearts or college people. you knocked up minjung/yujeong and now you have to deal with the consequences. 


pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee please rp with me TT i prefer third but i'm so depserate i'll do detailed first or first


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ultimate-love 9 years ago
I'm quite interested with the eric plot. :D
oceani 9 years ago
Did me not answer ??? ;;
abiectio 9 years ago
Do you want to do 'Yeah I'm Different' with me?
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