+plots for pm rp!

Status [M]
Tags roleplay 

Hellooo! I'm searching for someone who'd be able to do a third pov roleplay at least semi-para for a pm rp. I wish to have Mi Xin be the queen of a kingdom, dying to find a man who will love her and not use her as a toy to relieve himself and produce an heir (AKA the king). He could be anyone, whether it be a rival king, a prince, a guard, a knight, a servant - IDC. It can be supernatural or whatever all I want is someone who will be willing to please Mi Xin. will be involved, pregnancy probs and angst and drama can be twirled into the plot as well. 

You can be any male you like - i really don't care. The chara I'd be playing is Jei Mi Xin (a Chinese lingerie model, in case anyone wants to look her up) so please comment or pm me if you want to do something like this!


Alsooooo.... A lot of my pm rps have died. Please let me know if I haven't replied to you and please answer if I've been waiting forever OTL 


And a lot of my charas in rps need friends or buddies so hit me up if you're looking for new rps to join. 


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kagaki 9 years ago
What an epic plot *^*
Growing-Pains 9 years ago
our pm rp plot! /sobs
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