So I am moving to my grandma's but guess what!
She's allowing me to use the internet!
She said:
Max, I know you're a teen and need your internet. I understand that. And if you do end up having to live with me, just know that I will be buying one of the best internet services out there for you. But you have to promise me, that you will go to public school, get all A's, and for every hour of internet usage, I want you to do an hour of studying
Since I'm not on the internet a lot as it is, I won't be going over too long lol so I get to keep my acc!!! :DDD
I'm so excited!
But for my friends, I want you to know, I will only be on like 2-3 times a week, possibly. Becuase I need a lot of studying to get all A's because my gma is a hard about grades, if I get anything lower than a B-, I will be grounded till it is up to an A-
So it might be like, once a week, so please don't leave my characters. T-T
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