Been a while for sure!

Status [M]

okay so ive been kinda annoyed with some people

dont poke me just cause i havent replied for 24 hours, im a busy person

im college student, and i also work, and sometimes im too tired to log in so dont rush me for a reply cause i will eighter ignore you, or give you a crappy reply!
i lack muse these days, specially with PM rps so i might drop some or even all

i have lost all my muse for pm rps

i dunno why, but i need to somehow get it back.


OKAY one more thing that ive been really annoyed with

JUST CAUSE MY CHARACTER AND YOURS DO , DOESNT MEAN MY CHARACTER IS IN LOVE WITH YOU! Like while plotting, i strictly say i dun do romance (I DUN PLOT ROMANCE) i like it to happen naturaly!

the ones who know me, know how picky i am with picking partners, i can stay single for a looong time in a rp to find that one person who gives me enough muse

My english is no where near as good as many of yours are, but i really expect a nice, detailed reply i can actually reply too, seriously

 a while back, i had a person poking me every two hours when i didnt reply! like wtf, i have a life outside of rpr and this place is somewhere that i get rid of the stress in, dun stress me out futher i'll end up leaving

anyway i missed you guys ;~;

been a while since i blogged/ranted/anythingsimilar that wasn't advertisement

How are you all by the way? who is still in highschool and who is not?


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popularer 9 years ago
I feel exactly the same way!
I have someone poking me every hour to reply and when they see me reply to others (hello you're not the only one I'm rping with) they get angry and claim I don't like our plot anymore and it's frustrating because I have 2 jobs, university and a social life outside of RPR you feel? TT
Like why can't people just be patient?
And I HATE when people think comes with romance! D<
MademoiselleMelBell 9 years ago
But I wub you and we never had y time *holds a cardboard heart up*
Jin_Young 9 years ago
Aigoo...don't let them bother you~
I'm in college as well and work on the side.
*cuddles you* just focus on the nice people~
*points at me and grins*
4e3af106af57de36199d 9 years ago
in highschool and is also going to be a junior...
/side eyes all the juniors below me; nopunintended; winkwonk;shot/

bored as with no muse whatsoever. (cuz all my damned characters are stuck in plotted romance and i hate it; but love the rper; butstillinghateit)
TI_Chanyeol 9 years ago
still in high school
going to be a junior on monday TT^TT
wufapp 9 years ago
i'm still in hs. junior here.
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