+teaumatizsd need hug

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Im on my ipod cuz my phone died so beR wth me 

i was on my way home wtih jo and we were going to the nearwst metro like usual knly to find a bunch of police cars and ambulances and fire trucks and at forst were like dis someone get aht or aomthinn i mean were downtown afrer all

but thwen we aee a stretcher being pulled by he paramedics nobody seemed to rush and we aee the legs of the man being covered and then sjt were like were 15 feet assy frlm a dead body 

so the nausea starta to set jn no pne is allowwd kn the metro and i hear the police ofdicer sah it was a suicide ao i saw he jody od a man whk klilled himseld legit 15.minutes prior

i walkws jo to the metro tried to fogure pjt how to get home gfot lost teipped and hurt my fppt/ankle even more on the curb and missd my bus by 2 kinutss afrer walking 30 minutes

phpne is dead

i have an assignment due tomorrow

i cant type on my ipod im sorey

im juat... I saw thw body... Thats gross... That poor man like what happened to make him so sad... I just isk 


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sprezzatura 9 years ago
omfg that's terrifying
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