
Tags bts openrp  

Note: Your Character doesn't have to be BTS Related for you to partake in these plotlines, I'm fine with both of us using OCs If preferred. 

With that said, feel free to message me If Interested❤

(Read Profile before please~) 


Muse A = Me

Muse B = Your Character

Though this doesn't apply to #3 & #5 


#1 ❤

Muse A is one of the first of a small group of humans to transfer in to a formerly all-vampire boarding school. Muse A and their human counterparts are selected to attend this school not only for their impressive GPAs but also because of their rare blood types. Tuition for the human students will be paid by means of bi-weekly blood draws administered by the school nurse; this blood will be rationed and used as nutrition for the predominantly-vampire student body. For the safety of the humans, vampire students are by no means allowed to drink directly from their classmates.. or at least they’re not supposed to. 


Muse A attends a same- boarding school. At first, it’s hard to find their place and they’re really homesick. Muse B is their mysterious roommate, who eventually offers to helpMuse A adjust. The more time they spend together, the more they realize that they’re compatible on a deeper level than just friends


Muse A is a well-known toy maker, or rather, a doll maker to be more specific. They spend their days making breath-taking porcelain dolls that are incredibly lifelike. Frighteningly so. These creations are almost too real and make most customers second guess whether they should actually be purchased. Muse A would prefer not to sell any of their precious creations, but they must only to ensure that they’ll be able to continue with their art; after all, doll-making is a pain-staking and costly love. One day, Muse Areceives a commission from a mysterious customer who promises to pay Muse Ahandsomely upon the condition that they use parts supplied by their own company. Muse Afancies themselves as a purist and is reluctant at first, but they can’t deny that the money they are offered would allow them to comfortably continue making dolls well into their twilight years. 

So, Muse A accepts the commission and begins to craft a new doll with these imported parts. As they begin to craft, it quickly becomes apparent that this doll is different. From every fine hair on their pretty, little head, to their expressive eyes framed with full, long lashes, down to their cute feet; this doll is perfect. By the time this doll is completed, Muse A isn’t sure that they can sell it; they’ve become attached to their most perfect creation. Despite Muse A’s pleas to the wealthy customer, the buyer insists that they pack up the doll for shipping immediately and with a heavy heart Muse A complies. However, in the morning,Muse A discovers that the doll, Muse B, is sitting atop the box rather than inside where they’ve put them the night before. Muse B is curious to know why they were in a box so they simply ask a startled Muse A. Muse A is both frightened and amazed to discover that Muse B has come to life overnight.     

#4 ❤

Muse A has been sheltered for most of their upbringing, coddled by loving but overprotective parents well into their teenage years. They’ve yet to experience most of the milestones that their same-age peers take for granted, like attending a school dance or getting their driver’s license. The only time that Muse A isn’t under the watchful eye of their parents is when they’re at school and even then, they’re under strict orders to come straight home once that dismissal bell rings. Muse B hasn’t resided with a parent/guardian since they were legally able to live on their own. They didn’t come from a nurturing environment, not even close, but they’re not looking for a pity party about it. Muse B fends for themselves in this world and they’ve earned a bit of a reputation for snubbing their nose at authority at every opportunity. 

Muse A encounters Muse B one afternoon as they’re making their way to the bus. Muse A can’t help but stare with envy as Muse B mounts their motorcycle—able to ride off whenever and wherever they please. Muse B catches Muse Astaring and they offer Muse A a ride. Muse Aaccepts, hastily snatching up their first little taste of freedom.    


When muse a, a new student, reaches the front of the lunch line, they realize they don’t have enough cash to buy their food. Before this can become apparent to anyone else in the cafeteria,muse b, an upperclassman, quickly offers to pay for both of their lunches.



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-ster 9 years ago
Do you kakao rp?
xGummyPandax 9 years ago
Omigosh! They are so perfect!!!
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