


{ make memories. build bonds. create a family }



Hello and welcome to the Build a Spouse Q&A! Simply leave your question in the comment section below and one of the bs staff will get to it as soon as possible, this blog post is checked regularly. Also, a link as been provided to redirect you back to the roleplay after you've written your question down, for your convenience, it is located on the left. We hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for your patronage 


01. This is a 3rd pov and au roleplay (au meaning alternate universe, therefore you are not idols unless stated as your occupation in the application); we will allow detailed first roleplay, but that means no less than five lines of text (about a paragraph). The only exception where one liners and crack will be permissible is in the rooms indicated 02. 1st pov 'crack' is strictly contained in those certain rooms and will be monitored by admins; this is to ensure that the 'crack' does not get out of hand. 03. God-modding, face chasing and ooc drama is prohibited. Any participation in either of the three will result in immediate action (kicked out without warning and added to the rp blacklist). 04. DO NOT leave within 24-48 hours of joining, you'll risk being blacklisted- you were warned. 05. One character per person (may be subject to change) 06. You have the option of applying as a humanoid, patron (buyer), or developer (limited positions). 07. Respect the admins, respect the other members; this seems like a given, but you'd be surprised. 08. If you need a hiatus or semi hiatus, let an admin know and we will add you to the list (there will be a room for you to post in), otherwise you have 14 days without posting before becoming inactive. 09. Carry on..

010. All humanoids cost approximately $10,000 (1000 activity points -- 500 for developers) and models will be on display for the convenience of our esteemed clients in the bs catalog. 011. Patrons, humanoids and developers can earn money (activity points) through posting in rooms and playing the lottery. 012. Upon earning enough points, patrons and developers may then purchase their humanoid spouse by posting in the catalog, the transaction will be made accordingly and both parties will be informed of the decision [purchase is valid for 10 days]. The model must then be returned in it's original packaging to the production site [bs catalog), but patrons/developers may choose to repurchase the model if they so desire -- or choose a completely different one for the same duration of time [10 days]. 013. After purchase, humanoids will be delivered via priority shipping in their original packaging (completely in the box). The humanoids come with instructions, model information, and contact information of the production company, bs. 014. Humanoids rely on voice recognition and must be activated through using their assigned name, followed by the phrase, "Please awaken my darling spouse." 015. Similar to the concept of wgm, patrons and their humanoid partners will be given a mission to complete which is designed to increase bonding. Missions can be as simple as "do chores around the house together." To "with this list of ingredients, you must create a meal together and after enjoy the fruits of your labor." 016. To go along with the roommate concept, the bs staff provides luxury housing for patrons and developers in the exclusive Cedar Springs Gated Community, free of charge! The homes are quite extravagant and will house multiple patrons/developers, who will then have the opportunity to interact and mingle amongst each other. Humanoids are given shelter upon purchase by a patron/developer. 017. Want to be affiliates? We have room for four, so comment if you're interested. 018. Last but not least, if you have any questions or concerns, please consult the link on the left titled "OUR Q&A,"  the bs staff will tend to you there.

In a list format please include the following information or risk your application being overlooked: at the very top provide the phrase "APPLICATION FOR HUMANOID", followed by idol/model/actor full name, orientation, timezone [gmt], character description [minimum of 5-6 complete sentences], three hobbies of interest

In a list format, please include the following information or risk your application being overlooked: at the very top provide the phrase "APPLICATION FOR PATRON", followed by idol/model/actor full name, age [18+], orientation, timezone [gmt], occupation [please be creative], background [minimum of 5-6 sentences] and your reason for requesting our services

In a list format please include the following information or risk your application being overlooked: at the very top provide the phrase "APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPER", followed by idol/model/actor full name, age [18+], orientation, timezone [gmt], background [minimum of 5-6 complete sentences], your reason for wanting to be a developer



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Uchiha 9 years ago
patrons = customers and human
developer = creator of humanoid and human
humanoid = machine to be rented off as your spouse
Uchiha 9 years ago
for any of those wondering how the shows work, wgm is basically a virtual marriage (a union between two strangers, in the case of the show, two idols who are not in the same group and of opposite gender) however in the roleplay we will allow same couples. after the marriage, the couple is given missions by the producers of the show (the admins in this case) to complete which will assess their compatibility as a couple. these mission can consist of something as simple as making a meal together to going on a date. you both live together as virtual spouses for a certain period of time which should strengthen the bond you didn't have before.

as for roommate, it's the same concept of wgm with the idea of living with several complete strangers (in the show they throw in idols of all ages and sizes: comedians, singers, trot singers, actors alike) and all these people become residents under one roof, they have to learn to live together and depend on another for company, for food and essentially become friends and broaden their experience of living with other people since most residents aren't used to living with others. the big difference between wgm and roommate is that roommate does not include marriage or a virtual wedding.

+ keep in mind the rp is a combination of both shows.

++ if any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
peachie 9 years ago
wait- so if i want to be human i apply for patron right? yes? #confused
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