leap day-

Tags rpr 

yay for leap day. legit stayed up all day watching this phineas and ferb extraordinary leap day special on disney. i was sick so don't judge please.

anyways, i realize rpr is dying and s o bs that's so sad. there're barely any interesting looking rps out there. i mean there are some but not a lot.

and seeing as how i might be on and off, i'm not really joining any UNLESS they're really good ones. 

As of now, i'm open for PM rp because i can always get back to it without the whole points and inactivity to worry about, but if there is any rp out there you'd recommend that would help a lot!

or if there are new sites for rping- idk, i tried searching for them, but nothing good came up.


so yeah. thanks.

fugly fugacious


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aspera 8 years ago
-bellend 4 hours ago Reply Replies
fugly indeed

[comment deleted by owner]
-bellend 8 years ago
fugly indeed
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