Dear Future College students,


Dear future college students,

You don't get in-service day or teachers day and miss school no no no. You get a notice 44 minutes before the class saying "Sorry but I have to cancel class today" You won't complain because chances are you had like 3 disastrous classes before that and had a headache so while you were eating your 5 minute lunch that might i add is most likely unhealthy like mine (fries and a chicken wrap coffee and pop (coffee is from earlier so it's cold not even drinking it) You will be smiling to yourself like an idiot look forward to these days because a teacher cancelling class is the most amazing thing ever.
A student that doesn't have to attend English Class and is currently eating her what was going to be her
5 minute lunch and most likely die of choking but is now enjoying it. heart emoticon


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JungHyunki23 8 years ago
And this why I don't miss school
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