Idea for PM RP...or something like that.

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I'm back on my NU'EST kick again and I have no shame. It's rightfully deserved because they're a talented little group of...well, young men now (they were like little boys at first though, to be quite honest).

Anyway, I haven't really roleplayed them in...Goodness...I was...Dude...It's been years...Like before they even did their stuff in Japan...

That's off-topic. Sort of.

As for the plot idea, I would like to be Ren.

Now, a few side notes first, okay? Or, no, wait, I'll give them after. Just read the idea first, please? I actually really like it.

Okay, so I picture him with this look to start off with. I figure haircuts and such will happen down the line and all but yeah.

Should have made that smaller but, oh, well...

Plot: Choi Minki is a lingerie mogul, the youngest CEO in the business. He started up the business thanks to inspiration from his sister-in-law, who had always had a thin figure with small s and a on the flatter side. She was always worried that she wasn't pretty enough for Minki's older brother, Minseok. He came up with designs just for fun and got them made for her as a present. After telling him that it made her feel the prettiest she'd ever felt, he was soon going into the lingerie game. He chose an androgynous name for himself, Ren, and gave his line the name Love by Ren. Very few people have seen him in person and he tends to keep it that way but his personal assistant has been interviewing people to take their place since they're moving too far to maintain the job. You are that new person. With long hair and a slender figure of his own, you're unsure of whether your new boss is male or female and, since he doesn't talk, it makes it even harder for you. Can you break his cold exterior and find out why he's so cold or will you break down and run away?

It's kind of lame but I figure it could be fun. I was hoping that this would be a third-person pov roleplay and romance and doesn't have to be involved if you don't like. I have no problem with it just being like a friendship thing but, regardless, we can work it out. I actually was looking for more of a guy to do this with, since I was picturing it being another NU'EST member. Admittedly, I hadn't really thought of Aron but, if that's who you want to be, or someone else, I don't mind. We can work that out as well. I'm pretty flexible. We can play this out as Minki being a tsundere type person, cold at first and warmer later for those that don't know. If you want to be a guy, I don't have anything set as for bottom and top. No matter who I roleplay, guy or girl, I always switch between being dominant and submissive. This time, I'm feeling Minki to be more on the dominant side but that doesn't mean he will or won't bottom.

I have a KakaoTalk (AmbieAssassin), Line (AmbieAssassin), Kik (AmbieAssassin_), or we could just roleplay here. I will warn you though that I reply a bit slower on my kik because it's my tablet and it's kind of awkward for me to type on but I have no problem if that's what you would like to do.

If you have any questions about the idea, you can just comment or message me where you would like to roleplay together. I'm pretty flexible with this idea but I still have things that I want set. So, yeah. Please, someone roleplay this with me though, okay? 


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bbc0adb2e9e9788434c2 8 years ago
If no one else wants it already I would not mind to take this one. But maybe you would prefer not rping with me everywhere too^^
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