Interested in PM-rp?

Status [M]
Tags roleplay 

Hey folks ^^

I'm new here, actually not so new I had been here for a long time, had another account but because of some XXXX I had to start all over with a new account and all. I was wondering if there was any who would like to rp with me, either pm or private rp.

As I said earlier I'm "new" here, but had been roleplaying for about four+ years now.

Below I'll be putting a bit about what I expect of my rp-partner and what my partner can expect of me, what I'm welling to do and try, and what I won't do, and lastly a sample of my rping.

I expect from you  You expect from me
  • Put afford into your replies
  • To work with me on plotting (don't leave all the thinking to me, try to put your ideas out there, don't just reply "I'm fine with everything") 
  • I understand that not all of us are native English speakers, but with just a bit of afford, and turning on the auto corrector would do a great job
  • To not leave me hanging, tell me if you have a writer block of if you're going to stop rping for any reason
  • To have fun, and to tell me if something you don't like so we can work on it
  • Lastly I expect to get a new friend



  • To get replies that I had put afford and a lot of work into
  • To give you a notice if I get into a hiatus or if I'll stop rping for any reason
  • To respect you and your time
  • To be honest with you and tell you if I was unsatisfied with anything 
  • To hear you out and accept your rules just the way you will be accepting mine







I do I don't
  • 3rd pov & detailed fist
  • Straight
  • Rp as the female role
  • Drama, angst, (with those 18+), romance, action, dark themes
  • Plotting  
  • One-liner
  •  & Yuri
  • Rp as the male role
  • Horror, crack, fluff
  • Winging
3rd pov rp-sample 1st pov rp-sample

When Jiyong began to kiss Jinah's neck and shoulder, she relaxed against the silk bed covering, relishing the feel of the material against her bare flesh. She was vaguely aware that Sooyoung was lying near her, softly as Seunghyun's hands began to her heavy s and his tongue lapped at her dark s. The sound of Sooyoung's excitement increased Jinah's own desire and she her hips upwards towards Jiyong, so that their bodies were closer together. Reaching between her thighs, she cupped her vulva with the palm of her hand, pressing firmly until she felt the tension growing in her lower belly. It was delicious sensation, and when the latter ran his tongue over her ribs, just below her left , while at the same time she increased the pressure between her thighs, she groaned aloud with pleasure. 
Next to her, Sooyoung was moving more and more frantically, her body occasionally touching Jinah's as Seunghyun continued to arouse her before bringing her to a short, sharp that made her hips arch off the bed.
Releasing what had happened Jinah grew desperate for a herself, and began to make tiny pleading noises that made Jiyong smile. He putted his head between her thighs and ran his tongue backward and forwards over her damp, swollen oris in long, sweeping motions that immediately triggered her moment of release, and her body shook violently as her muscled contracted with pleasure.
As she lay with her eyes closed, her breathing gradually slowing, she became aware that she was being moved around the bed, and that her arms and legs were being stretched apart until she was spreadeagled in an X shape. Opening her eyes, she struggled to sit up, but she was too late to stop the other three from fastening her securely to the bed. This was something she didn't want, to be at the mercy of relative strangers, but there was nothing she could do about it now and so she lay silently, waiting to see what they intended to do. 
Although her wrists were tied with cord looped into metal rings, her legs were held apart by a length of wooden board that was fastened to her ankles with metal cuffs. This meant no matter what happened, she couldn't close her legs, and remained open and exposed to them all the time.

I use my palms to slowly push him back and try to master a fake smile and succeed on that. "Well then, I'll take my leave now, Bom seems to won't make it here soon" The words leave my mouth steady and softly, totally opposite of what I'm feeling. "Being with her fiancée most made her forgot about your meeting today Mrs. Kim." I look up at his -so at ease- face and smile. "That's understandable Mr. Kwon, please send my regards to her and tell her I'll contact her soon" I take another step back to the couch and bend slightly down gripping my purse. "Will do Mrs. Kim, will do" He says back leaning against the wall lazily while his eyes capture my every move. "Well then, have a nice day..." With that said I give him a small nod and try my best to keep the masked smile making my way to the main door.

The relaxed look in his eyes vanishes and the lazy posing he was making turns to tense. Soon he is behind me pulling in my arm and pressing me against the wall. He holds my body still with his and looks at me with his dark and dangerous orbs. "Don't leave..." He whispers, trailing his index finger softly on the side of my face. I close my eyes feeling the spell of his soft touches taking over me. "I have to..." I whisper back my voice is almost inaudible.

"Don't leave... Not again... Not for him..." 

"I have to... He is waiting for me..."

"Dara... Please..."

"I can't..."

"Dara..." He pleads again and leans to me, briefly touching my lips with his. I can hear and feel the need, I can hear the weakness and I can hear the hope in his voice. I close my eyes and let myself lose it for the moment. To be with him without the barriers that's keeping us apart from each other...


Plots: FreeTaken - Reserved - Full

I'm yours, even if I have his last name - Don't push me - I hate you, I love you - Sorry, do I know you? - Can I please stay? - You killed her - Stop taunting me - Revenge - Welcome new neighbor - Congrats, you're getting married

Those are the plots names, if you're interested in any of them let me know and I'll tell you more about it. I'm willing to rp the same plot with only two people no more. And of course if you have any other idea you would like to try, then feel free to tell me, I would love to hear them,


LASTLY. I might had placed a lot of rules, and I might sound like a very strict person, but really I'm a very nice, sweet and dork at times.

Have a nice day you all there ^,^ 


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JungHyunki23 8 years ago
Hello down to pm with. I have a few plots in mind but im warning there some that get pretty dark. Pm me if interested
MissRoyale 8 years ago
Hello there~ would you like to pm rp~
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