That feeling


Everyday that goes by... its getting really tiring. I feel tired of everything. Questions are starting to pop in my head. I'm starting to feel things that i know i shouldn't feel. Sometimes its scary... because it overwhelms me, and I'm afraid of what i might do... but there's no stopping it

I'm tired of crying. It's getting tired to cry every night. My eyes are tired, my heart is hurting, I'm emotionally drained. 

Makes me wonder why I'm still here...


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cadetblue 8 years ago
; n ; i missed ya, 'mom' - but it's kinda dumb because i cant even comfort anyone orz but but you might need some entertainment to make you laugh e u e at at least your mood will be up a little bit ; n ; i'm still a potato that havent grown yetttt-- forgive me if i say something wrong u n u
HOKAGE8AVATAR 8 years ago
I feel the exact same way.
I know it's hard to come out and talk about this and it's painful, but it's necessary. Please talk to me if you need anything or if you need to talk. Or to anyone you trust. More people go through this than we think.
hansoo 8 years ago
/lands down with my green unicorn/ ..hey! my shoulders are kinda broad that you can lean on it. /grins/
babypie 8 years ago
wraps arms and legs around one of your legs
beep boop
when is your therapist getting back?
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