Hey everyone! It's been a few months since I've been here, and I was kinda starting to miss rping with you guys.
So I have a few choices for you to choose from, and I am a mirror roleplayer, so I can match up to any length you prefer. But of course, the more the length, the more time I'll take to reply.
The Exo ships I'm okay with are:
▪ Girl x Exo Member. (As long as I'm the girl)
▪ Chanbaek. (All-time favourite.)
▪ Sebaek
▪ Kaisoo
▪ Any other EXO main ship as long as I'm the bottom.
Chanbaek is the one ship in which I'm okay with topping. You can suggest any plot you like.
And also, limited . I hate it when it just takes over the plot.
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