Tags aurp justanidea 

To all of those who love the magical world, since there is already so many rp's where vampires and such live, why not do something different?

My friends recently posted (YearsofUs) about a magical au and her friend (lulubutt) Commented "Twisted Disney .", which made me think, Why not make a Disney themed rp. The Disney world is large as so why not take that world, take DreamWorks too, and make an rp?

Name it Mother Goose Grim, Since that's where the original stories for most of the princesses come from. Have two side of the rp. The Happy Ending and the- (I jsut sneezed like 50 times, I'm like dying trying to type this up- OH GAWD I JUST GOT SNOT EVERYWHERE!!!)

But anyways- Two side: The Happy Ending/Ever After and The Grim (or whatever you wanna call the other side.)

That way, you can join as the happy ever after Princess Jasmin and have your Aladdin and live a happy life, or twist it up and be Happy Jasmin and live a twisted story and go with prince Hans or some . You can really change it up however you think would be more amusing to you. 

Since there are only so many Prince and Princesses, Open up to the other stories Disney and Dreamworks has. Meaning you will have 2 jasmines and 2 aladdins, 2 red riding hoods and 2 wolves, 2 cinderella's and 2 prince charmings, 2 fairy godmothers. 2 Elsa's and 2 Anna's with 2 prince Han's or Olafs. 2 shreks and 2 fionas..One for each side but just because they're on that side, doesn't mean they have to live that way. For instance, happy Cinderella can run off with Aladdin from the grim side. can get real twisted real quick. (verse yourself in mother goose stories and the not-so-very-well-known disney and dream work stories too.) But it's essentially like Once Upon A Time just everyone has a magical power, (figure out one for the princesses and one's who don't really have one or leave them without one.) And also the magical realm isn't really trying to rule the humans since everything is twisted already. If you don't want to be a character from any of the movies and stories, then be a human. Also don't forget about the Villians from the stories, Like Ursala and that ugly which from snow white. You can be them too. And of course, you're not going to really be them, but your character will take their role in the story. And if you wanna make things more organized, group everyone off by story and side. Even though it's grouped off, doesn't mean you can't go and with another group. Another thing, King Tritan is not off limits. Since Hurculese is a story with two sides, there are other gods so Tritan isn't the only one (Essentialy there will be 4 kings of the sea because of the mermaids story and hurculese story). Just no God-Moding with the Gods. If you are going to be them, don't try to smite prince charming for no reason. If that's your plot then be my guest.

Also this should be a good way to try and start rping with more than just one person. Meaning, Your plot with someone should effect the other. For instance, If Zues wanted to smite Prince charming, Cinderella will be effected somehow. This is an opportunity to group plot which is perfect timing now that we can multi tag in rooms. There will just need to be rooms open for people to plot openly with each other. And you will have to communicate thoroughly with each other!

As for events, have a ball! Have everyone fall through the magical well from Enchanted and they all become cartoons or something, Use the major events from the stories, Like Elsa's corenation and birthday party! There's a lot that can be done.

The description could definitely use some work and be refined, but I can't really think all that clear right now with all this sneezing. 

If you like this Idea and have any suggestions, leave a comment below. I can make this rp but I'd like to ask some of you for help of course so that way it's more fun and well planned out. Or one of you can take this idea and I can just help you build it up if you'd like. Also it's best to build this rp with 5 admins, that way each admin can take stories they want to watch over and monitor everything. That way it won't be so hectic and you won't be bumping into each others way or do the same work.


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puddin 8 years ago
Oooh that sounds interesting!! Disney/DreamWorks and an rp *heart eyes emoji*
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