Okay, so I've noticed a HUGE influx of newbs... Like, not just newbs, but sUPER NEWBS who don't seem to know how this site works at all. Well don't worry. A lot of us were you at some point. Most of us wandered over here from the affliation site, Asian Fanfics, so we at least knew a few basics.

But anyway, meh, I just know that it'd have been super helpful when I first began to have a little how-to/explanation to at least get me on my feet.

so I present to you...


1.) Wtf is "RPR"?

These are the initials for "Roleplay Republic" becuz lazy. Also note a couple of other intials/short names, such as:

  • "rper" for roleplayer
  • "rp" for roleplay
  • "ic" for in-character (you're speaking in terms of the character's view)
  • "ooc" for out-of-character (just you, the rper, talking)
  • "irl" for in-real-life (just like "ooc"--- used to reference reality)

2.) What do you do on this site?

It's made specifically for roleplaying, but as you probably suspect, this community is much more limited than it seems. Like I said, the affliation is with AsianFanfics, so a lot of people here are KoreanPop fans and use these idols as "face claims" (a face to represent their character). Unlike AsianFanfics, you are allowed to have one account wherein you can collect and apply for multiple characters, all in different roleplays. This separates all your characters and only shows whomever you're playing at a particular rp when you enter that rp. Your account, itself, isn't for roleplaying but for creating many small character accounts. So no, when you join RPR, you don't sign in as "Jennifer_Lawrence" or whatever. You sign in as some random username and then apply to a roleplay AS Jennifer Lawrence. When you show up in THAT roleplay, you are seen as "Jennifer Lawrence". But outside of that roleplay, you are whatever username you picked to represent YOU.

3.) How do I start?

Okay, so it's easy af to FIND the roleplays, but the difficulty's in applying. First thing, pick a place. You've probs had TONS of advertisements dropped on your walls to show off new or growing rps here, so that's easy enough. When you find a place you like, read about it. The description of the roleplay will be provided on the front page, along with a set of rules to abide by. You'll also have an "application/app". This is what an admin (person who makes/runs the rp) uses to get to know your character and get you thinking about them. The app will usually ask for things, like the character's name, age, background, etc.

Once you're sure you want to join, comment on roleplay's thread (scroll down and you should see an area where you should be allowed to post at the bottom of the rp) and ask them to "add and reserve" a face claim of your choice. Not many places here allow anime characters or the actual rper to be used as a character, so be prepared to reserve someone such as a famous actor, model, idol, etc. The admin will then reserve that character's profile.

To get to that profile, click the "Masterlist" and find your character's name. It should be in green and should have a small "(apply)" option below the name. Click there and you will be redirected to a box where you can fill out the character's app. Once done, the admin shall let you in (if you did the app correctly and included a particular password) and you will be allowed to rp!

4.) How do I add a profile/picture?

Like I said, it's a lot like AFF. To input a picture on YOUR OWN account, click the "SETTINGS" option when you hover over your name in the main toolbar. You can then edit your personal profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page where it allows you to input a URL for a picture. The best pictures supported here are Tumblr (tumblr media, not tumblr static) or anything uploaded on Imgur. To add a picture to your CHARACTER'S profile, click "EDIT CHARACTER" and insurt the URL in the box at the top.

A layout is a fun and pretty design to make your profile stand out. If you search up "layout" or "layouts" on RPR's page, you can find a ton of shoppes where coders design layouts for anyone to use. Peek at the layouts there and find a code you like. Copy the code (be sure to follow the rules and comment if you're using it) and head to your profile (either your character's profile or your own personal one). Click the editing option and go to the box that says "About Me" or "Description". Once there, click the small button called "source" to input the code in its RAW form (it'll show up like a TON of numbers and words and that you likely won't understand). Click "source" again and it'll convert that giant mess of a code into the pretty layout you want. There, you're free to edit it as you like!

5.) Wtf arE THESE?

"Crack" --- You'll see some rps labled as "crack"... It's basically a giant, messy chatroom where you all have faces of idols or models. It's fun and relaxing and most places give you the option to rp if you want, but at the same time it's nothing serious. I don't suggest these for newbs who came here specifically to roleplay as it may be a bit overwhelming.
"Semi-Crack" --- These are crack rps that try to place more emphasis on actual roleplaying.
"AU" --- Alternate Universe, so the roleplay isn't designed around reality... but some sort of fantasy that the admin has chosen.
"Non-AU" --- Supposedly based around reality, where you ARE your face claim (you ARE Jennifer Lawrence or Justin Bieber, etc.).
"Reservation" --- This is a face-claim that is saved. If it's saved for you, no one can apply for it. If it's for someone else, YOU can't apply for it. Reservations are temporary and most are set for 24 hours.
"" --- ... the rp is basically revolving around dirty smexy stuff. e u e
"Events" --- These are random activities admins provide for rpers to bring them together and promote activity.
"Hiatus" --- As in, you're busy in real life or uninspired, so you just need a break so you're not obligated to log in all that often.
"Wall" --- The big white space on you or your character's profile where you can freely chat with others.
"PM" --- Private messaging, no one can see these but you.
"Tagging"--- In which you want to speak to a specific person in the roleplay, so you click their name in the "tagging" option. You'll know you tagged them when their name appears with an "@".
"Wishlist" --- What most rps have; basically a request for face claims
"Spam" --- A room in most rps (especially non-AU's) where people just post randomness to earn character points (you get one point per post).
"Face-chasing" --- In which people talk only to specific people because of their face claims (not usually liked here, but tbh it happens...)

6.) Activity stuff---

Admins are allowed to set an 'inactivity time' for their characters. So then, if you have a character, you can go so many days without posting ANYTHING with that character (because you're unavailable or something) before they are marked "inactive". Inactive people usually get a warning or two before they are forcibly removed. If you think you won't be online for a time, just request to be put on "hiatus" in your rps so that you can be kept in the rp.

If you would like to voluntarily leave, just click the red "LEAVE CHARACTER" button on your character's profile and then comment in the rp's main thread that you've left.

7.) Extra note---

If you want to privately roleplay with other users, you can! You can do so within the rp (as whatever characters you both applied for) or on your personal account! You can add people as friends, but you can also block them if you'd like for them not to see you or your characters. You can make blogs here to advertise or post to anyone on RPR who wants to see. Adding a "favorite" is something encouraged to do in ANY roleplay you join, as it shows the admin support. An "upvote" is even better, but it's not something you can do until you have 25 points on your main account (you get these by logging in and joining roleplays). When you see people you want to rp with (because they have interesting profiles or just seem nice), you can ask them to plot! Use brackets () or [] when speaking to someone OOC instead of in-character. If you have preferences or personal rules, feel free to discuss them!


W o w this was long... But I promise, it gets so easy. After day one, you'll be FLYING through the place! The people here are interesting and the ropeplays are AMAZING, so don't get discouraged! There are still so many things you can do here, like make a roleplay on your own (these can be open to the public or private between you and chosen users).

But for now, just go wet your feet. u w u Take a look around and get used to things! Legit something like this would've helped me SO DAMN MUCH back when I was a newbie, so it's great to be of help. If you have any other questions, just PM me!

Good luck and HAPPY RPING!


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Fayelovesflowerboys 3 years ago
Thank you
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 3 years ago
Thank you
not_finn 4 years ago
sgfhgdh omg thanks i've been wanting to rp here but i wasn't used to the site so this really helped
Angelx19 5 years ago
MaleWifey 7 years ago
/forever drops this link when newbies approach me
starrgazer 7 years ago
thank you <3
sagittarius 7 years ago
this is so cuttte
sibylline 7 years ago
114bdfb25ab093a168b0 7 years ago
If my syllabus were this easy and descriptive I'd ing ace the exams.♡
tangerines 7 years ago
Back in ny day 90% of this didnt exist
teatea 7 years ago
writes this all down for the test tomorrow
-2fckd 7 years ago
hold on all these "new" people HAVE to be kidding some of them are literally the same as previous users and you can tell by their posts and how they already know blogs and like the way they talk and thats why i avoid new accounts might be sTRANGE
psychologist 7 years ago
antigen 7 years ago
how cute this is adorable
MaleWifey 7 years ago
so precious /kisses the admin
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