Hello friends and family, beloved ones, beautifully weird ones and gentle souls!
This is just a little update from me regarding the coming six months and rpr!
As some of you know, I will start a new job and Uni in China soon, meaning I will be Gmt +8 soon and have a busy schedule.
This means: I will be busy and I will be online at totally different times! But!!! No!!! Worries!! I will still have time for rps and my beloved pm rp (you know who you are, adored one <3). I will have as much time as I can manage to shovel out from underneath my workload.
For those who need to know:
My schedule will consist of
- Uni lessons Monday to Friday (morning or noon/afternoon)
- freetime (probably spent exploring and talking to you guys on here
- work and then after work my tutoring classes.
I'll have two free days per week.
The first week in China will be spent in training, meaning I don't know how much free time I will actually have and I'll probably be jet lagged as ;;;
But I have some good (?????) news too! I will probably get myself a kkt with my Chinese numbers so for those who want to stay in touch a bit more than occassional talking on rpr: As soon as I have my Chinese number and the account, I will make a quick blog post so you can pm me for my ID? Maybe?
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