My master's degree was created last year and I am part of the first class ever taking it. This means everything is unorganised as . They ing double booked two exams and they don't want to move either, so guess who will have to work on two presentations and a synopsis at the same time? I have the presentation on Wednesday, the synopsis and a portfolio is to be handed in on the 15th and then another presentation on the 16th. We have to hand in a group assignment tomorrow and my group pretty much just bailed on me so I guess I won't be sleeping a lot tonight.
This semester is a ing train wreck.
I'll try to get to replies in the weekend (or in the class I have in half an hour, if I can), but after that I might go poof again-again-again until exams are over.
I feel like a useless roleplay partner.
ing hell!
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