SoldierXDoctor PMRP

Tags pmrp straight 

Okay so im really in the mood to do a Soldier X Doctor or a Soldier X Civillian i have a plot for each of them i just need someone to play the male soldier so i can play the female..

honestly im okay with and prefer alot of drama and angst i just need someone

ill take 3 rps 2 where i play female and one where i play the male

comment on here or pm me or add me on kakao
KKT ID: Nevaehhorizon


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szyxarii 7 years ago
Hi there. The concept seems pretty interesting and it reminds me of DOTS. If you're still looking for a partner, I'm up. However, I can't play male characters well. So maybe I could take that one spot where you'd play the male.
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