Amber here again to share some of the thing I know about SM Circus regarding pets and other animals in the RP world.
We have first the animal trainers:
Amber - trains tigers and a falcon
Siwon - trains the rest of the horses. One of his horses is named, Gina.
Yesung - owns a horse named Navienne
Yoochun - trains an elephant named Mally and a bear
Yuri - specializes in dogs
We also have pet owners:
Hangeng - a male gray cat named Devon (formerly owned by Amber aka. me)
Kibum - has a rabbit called Butterscotch
Minho - a cat named Kira
The only animal related incident in the circus is Onew's fault. He slept in a tiger cage and let the tiger out. The tiger's name is "Lumina"
Major problems and the ringmaster wasn't around.
More information will be added later on...
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