I'll reply eventually rip. I've had so little inspiration for third POV it's taking a lot of me to type out replies. But they'll all for sure be done this weekend especially since it's canada day and I don't work on Saturdayyyyy!
Btu tonight, after doing all my admin duties I must clock off. My carpal tunnel has flared so my whole arm is in hella pain. But I will leave you with a couple requests:
1) I'd like to do a first (or third if we really have to) pm rp. I have hundreds of plots cooked up, so please hit me up. I usually do yuri/straight, but depending on the plot might do . And I usually play the girl but for certain parts I will be opent o being the boy!
2) Please join this roleplay: Phoenix Entertainment
I have a character in there called Hyeran, and another called Lizzy who are lonely and Hyeran needs drama and Lizzy needs love and support.
3) Join my new roleplay! It's a business/supernatural!au and I am so sad how all my co-adminned roleplays are doing so well while mine is flopping.
Prodigium Inc
4) I'm making a new roleplay. It crosses victorian/medieval ish type of feeling (monarchy, old times, etc) with modern day. People are accidentally being back and forth in time due to a science experiment got wrong. It'll be international, all POVs and orientations, etc etc. And I'm taking reservations and searching for a co-admin so hit me up!
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