get to your toilets


so you can read this list while you're ting

things i do as an rper. or a member of rpr in general. (weird stuff, bad stuff) UPDATED, ES
if you sympathize or have something to add to this, feel free to comment
also, this is satire so don't take anything to heart.

  1. If I'm really hyped for a thread or a relationship and I'm there 25/8 to cultivate it, I sometimes have this tendency to drop off the face of the earth if the other person is slow at replying because my muse goes. Fast. But I'll tell you if it does.
  2. I join roleplays when I'm on hiatus
  3. Sometimes I'm more active on hiatus
  4. I don't userchase, but I always wonder what it would be like to date other rper's characters.
  5. I have a list of rpers I want to get to know because they seem really cool
  6. I will side eye my character's lover if they get a second character right before or immediately after making things official with mine, because in my mind that means you might get bored of me and spend more time on that other character. OR that you roleplay just to flirt around, , or be in relationships and I don't like that.
  7. I really dislike it when people make vague blog posts about how things in their life or that they're leaving and they don't do anything to either A.) change their y life or B.) don't leave
  8. I will purposely not join some people's rps who make rps up the wazoo because I secretly want them to fail and learn that they shouldn't make so many roleplays.
  9. Sometimes I don't believe people when they publically flaunt around their mental illness or use it as an excuse for things often.
  10. When people on rpr say they're drunk ooc or act drunk in chatrooms, I fume with anger and irritation. Because alcohol is NOT something to be joked about.
  11. I get really frustrated when people start dating within a day or two because A.) I can't find rpr love that fast B.) Sometimes they're really annoying rpers who just annoy me and I want them to fail at all aspects of life on rpr. C.) It's clearly in the rules and es think they're always that "one" exception.
  12. I lose touch with a lot of my friends because I'm a hermit who binge watches youtube and is pretty bad at maintaining any form of human contact
  13. Yet, I still get jealous when those friends make other friends that replace me. Even though I did nothing to stop it.
  14. Did I mention I have a jealousy problem?
  15. The way someone portrays a character can make me like or dislike an rper. (like if someone rps my bias as whiney, effeminate bottom I will probably dislike you.)
  16. I have really funny but really mean tags for the rpers I don't like
  17. I don't like a lot of rpers. Even though it seems like I do. I like to think I'm just tolerant. But don't get it twisted I ain't about that talking behind your back . I keep that to myself.
  18. A part of the reason why I don't do is because it feels like I'm being unwillingly coerced to do so, because "everyone else is doing it" and there's such a stigma attached to roleplayers that I don't even want to dabble. Not to mention I've sadly come across and have experienced recently, being nearly ually assaulted and pressured into with a character when they know I OR the person they're coming onto doesn't do . No means no in real life, and online. No doesn't mean, "maybe if I touch their after they say no the first few times, they'll become too aroused to say no again." Also ers, someone shouldn't have to blatantly say get the hell off me or no for you to stop or see that they are uncomfortable with the way your character is touching them. Them being nice about it isn't giving you the green light to keep pressuring.
  19. I want to be the most important friend to everyone. So it hurts me even more when I find out I'm no ones most important person in their life.
  20. I'm not a good main admin because I lose muse after doing so much work.
  21. I honestly don't have a problem with my friends making a ton of blogs
  22. ....because I make a ton of blogs.
  23. I hate it when people complain about how many couples are in an rp when they literally just got there.
  24. I hate it when people say that their characters will never find love, or that they're bland.
  25. I can't pmrp because I lose muse too quickly
  26. I spend more time lurking on rpr, than I do actual roleplaying
  27. I don't like it when my characters are in relationships where all the pair does is ask how each other's day went. Unless they've both actually been gone all day. But back to back small talk hi's and bye's and how are you's are the worst thing ever.
  28. There are so many exceptions to my dislikes and likes and opinions. But that's life.
  29. I wonder a lot what other rpers think of me.
  30. I wonder how well-known I am in the rpr community
  31. I feel bad for not being active in roleplays that I should be active in. Like super bad.
  32. I wonder what I'm known for on here.
  33. I can feel it when certain rpers don't like me. I always wonder why though, because I don't talk , I don't start generally, and I haven't done anyone on the rpr community dirty. Unless they wanted it wiNKEU. But also I can understand because for me, people's personalities rub me the wrong way, even if we never interact. So then I wonder about what part of my personality may rub people the wrong way.
  34. I laugh so hard when I see someone ting and they think oral is mostly tongue action INSIDE the . Their entire mindset is focused on penetration even with the tongue and I die so hard. Honey, your inexperience is showing.
  35. I secretly love when people create blog after blog as if they have a following but no one comments because no one cares. (But honestly, it's me sometimes)
  36. I have abandonment issues because everyone loves to drop my characters relationship with them like it wasn't worth the time or effort I put into it.
  37. I sometimes wonder how some friends of these popular rpers can't see how toxic that person is, and how they genuinely need help. In shorter terms, they become an enabler or even grow to enhance the bad sides of their friends.
  38. I'm too soft for my own good, but I've recently found out some people still think I'm some pissy, badass, intimidating rper.
  39. I hate it how mean or douchey people get in rps when they have the support of their gang there, because they feel like at least some people will justify and defend their rude actions.
  40. I dislike how y rpr has gotten. It feels like the same people date the same people over and over again....doesn't that get weird ooc?
  41. I wonder what characters I'm most known as
  42. I wonder what characters people like me rping the most. Or, which characters I rp the best.
  43. It kind of hurts me to know people think I'm intimidating. And oddly enough I've gotten that quite frequently lately LOL. But I can see why I'm intimidating. This very list is probably intimidating.
  44. If I love you lots you will know. If I tell you I love you, I mean it. 
  45. For all those roleplayers who don't use lube, don't realize how much actual cleanup goes into . How much preparation goes into it. HONEY your inexperience is showing. Or rather, your experience from racy manga or fanfics written by other inexperienced females. It's scary how hard I've seen people go. You can do some damage up the y'know. Whether its or straight. A can do some damage. But y'all inexperienced folk don't practice safety.
  46. Don't get your in a twist I know this is all fictional but that doesn't make it any less hilarious for me to witness, in regards to numbers 34 and 44.
  47. Despite a lot of my pet peeves being present on rpr, I still love it because I find some really cool people I genuinely love. You guys are the reason I stay.


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shogun 7 years ago
i relate to hard especially in wondering about my reputation here and feeling that some people don't like me
astralinferno 7 years ago
relate to a lot of these
SeHYUNG 7 years ago
psychology 1 hour ago Reply
i can't say which ones are me in the comments because tHERES TOO MANY
sevens 7 years ago
"a can do some damage"

don't ask why this is the thing i point out, but it's so true in so many ways
psychology 7 years ago
i can't say which ones are me in the comments because tHERES TOO MANY
BlackRabbit 7 years ago
I love these so much. They make my flutter so nicely I'm ;;;;;; Very happy to say my toilet experiences are so much better thanks to you
yeahnah 7 years ago
# t r u t h
yeap totally agree with so many of these
black_tinkerbell 7 years ago
I feel you and I love this honest blog post.
ssamja 7 years ago
s u n g l a s s e s
ur what the kids call #relatable
gossamer_ 7 years ago
Your un is familiar but I can't seem to point out where I saw you---
Anyways, I agree with all of these days tbvh :'D
realllllmino 7 years ago
"I wonder how well-known I am in the rpr community" & "I wonder what I'm known for on here."

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