Looking for Straight or VKOOK Partners

Status [M]
Tags roleplay 


I'm on the search for a few detailed roleplaying partners, either straight pairings with myself being the female muse, or gay pairings starring VKOOK -in which I would like to play Taehyung and have a dominant Jungkook, or play Jungkook and have a dominant Taehyung WITH occassional power reversals.

It does not entirely have to be , as I love character development and story progression. PWP is just as well. All that I ask is that my partner is active, does not give short (two sentences or less) replies and is literate (no chat speak, one liners, emoting while responding).

If you are interested, please PM me or comment here! I could even join an rp with you, if you would like, or we can try other platforms such as MeWe.

Thank you for your time and interest!


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Cheery45 7 years ago
If YOU are looking for straight you should join the breeder and breedee house?
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