All Open Taken Masterlist of Characters View: Groups Table Description Rules Masterlist Announcements Confessions [M] * Click on headers to sort Character Played By Group Daehyun (APPLY) B.A.P Himchan (APPLY) B.A.P Jongup (APPLY) B.A.P Yongguk (APPLY) B.A.P Youngjae (APPLY) B.A.P Zelo (APPLY) B.A.P Changmin (APPLY) DBSK Yunho (APPLY) DBSK Baekhyun (APPLY) Exo Chanyeol (APPLY) Exo Chen (APPLY) Exo D.O (APPLY) Exo Kai (APPLY) Exo Kris (APPLY) Exo Lay (APPLY) Exo Luhan (APPLY) Exo Sehun (APPLY) Exo Suho (APPLY) Exo Tao (APPLY) Exo Xiumin (APPLY) Exo Jaejoong (APPLY) JYJ Junsu (APPLY) JYJ Yoochun (APPLY) JYJ Jonghyun (APPLY) SHINee Key (APPLY) SHINee Minho (APPLY) SHINee Onew GTOPJongyuLover SHINee Taemin (APPLY) SHINee Donghae (APPLY) Super Junior Eunhyuk (APPLY) Super Junior Hangeng (APPLY) Super Junior Heechul (APPLY) Super Junior Henry (APPLY) Super Junior Kangin (APPLY) Super Junior Kibum (APPLY) Super Junior Kyuhyun (APPLY) Super Junior Leeteuk (APPLY) Super Junior Ryeowook (APPLY) Super Junior Shindong (APPLY) Super Junior Siwon (APPLY) Super Junior Sungmin (APPLY) Super Junior Yesung (APPLY) Super Junior Zhou Mi (APPLY) Super Junior