Masterlist of Characters

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Character Played By Group
Australia (APPLY)
Belarus (APPLY)
Belgium (APPLY)
Cuba (APPLY)
Denmark (APPLY)
Egypt (APPLY)
Estonia (APPLY)
Finland (APPLY)
Holy Rome Empire (APPLY)
Hong Kong (APPLY)
Hungary (APPLY)
Iceland (APPLY)
Latvia (APPLY)
Liechtenstein (APPLY)
Lithuania (APPLY)
Monaco (APPLY)
Netherlands (APPLY)
New Zealand (APPLY)
Poland (APPLY)
Russia (APPLY)
Scotland (APPLY)
Sealand (APPLY)
South Korea (APPLY)
Sweden (APPLY)
Switzerland (APPLY)
Taiwan (APPLY)
Turkey (APPLY)
Ukraine (APPLY)
Vietnam (APPLY)
2p America (APPLY) 2p's
2p England (APPLY) 2p's
2p France (APPLY) 2p's
2p Romano (APPLY) 2p's
2p Spain (APPLY) 2p's
Norway (APPLY) Magic Trio
Romania (APPLY) Magic Trio