All Open Taken Masterlist of Characters View: Groups Table Description Rules Masterlist Announcements 〈 ★ happy family. � 〈 ★ happy family. � 〈 ★ happy family. � 〈 ★ happy family. � 〈 ★ happy family. � * Click on headers to sort Character Played By Group changbum (APPLY) 100% chanyong (APPLY) 100% hyukjin (APPLY) 100% jonghwan (APPLY) 100% minwoo (APPLY) 100% rokhyun (APPLY) 100% sanghoon (APPLY) 100% changmin (APPLY) 2am jinwoon (APPLY) 2am jokwon (APPLY) 2am seulong (APPLY) 2am bom (APPLY) 2ne1 cl (APPLY) 2ne1 dara (APPLY) 2ne1 min (APPLY) 2ne1 minzy (APPLY) 2ne1 chansung (APPLY) 2pm junho (APPLY) 2pm junsu (APPLY) 2pm nichkhun (APPLY) 2pm taecyeon (APPLY) 2pm wooyoung (APPLY) 2pm gayoon (APPLY) 4minute jihyun (APPLY) 4minute jiyoon (APPLY) 4minute sohyun (APPLY) 4minute chanmi (APPLY) 5dolls eunkyo (APPLY) 5dolls hyewon (APPLY) 5dolls hyoyoung (APPLY) 5dolls shannon (APPLY) 5dolls soomi (APPLY) 5dolls janggeunsuk (APPLY) actors leehyunwoo (APPLY) actors jake (APPLY) adventure time marceline (APPLY) adventure time bekah (APPLY) afterschool gaeun (APPLY) afterschool jooyeon (APPLY) afterschool jungah (APPLY) afterschool kahi (APPLY) afterschool lizzy (APPLY) afterschool nana (APPLY) afterschool rania (APPLY) afterschool soyoung (APPLY) afterschool uee (APPLY) afterschool yiyoung (APPLY) afterschool chanmi (APPLY) aoa choa (APPLY) aoa hyejeong (APPLY) aoa jimin (APPLY) aoa mina (APPLY) aoa seolhyun (APPLY) aoa yuna (APPLY) aoa namjoo (APPLY) apink yookyung (APPLY) apink himchan (APPLY) b.a.p jongup (APPLY) b.a.p yongguk (APPLY) b.a.p youngjae (APPLY) b.a.p zelo (APPLY) b.a.p baro (APPLY) b1a4 cnu (APPLY) b1a4 jinyoung (APPLY) b1a4 sandeul (APPLY) b1a4 dongwoon (APPLY) b2st doojoon (APPLY) b2st hyunseung (APPLY) b2st junhyung (APPLY) b2st kikwang (APPLY) b2st yoseob (APPLY) b2st daesung (APPLY) bigbang gdragon (APPLY) bigbang seungri (APPLY) bigbang taeyang (APPLY) bigbang top (APPLY) bigbang jaehyo (APPLY) block b kyung (APPLY) block b p.o (APPLY) block b ukwon (APPLY) block b zico (APPLY) block b donghyun (APPLY) boyfriend hyunseong (APPLY) boyfriend minwoo (APPLY) boyfriend gain (APPLY) brown eyed girls jea (APPLY) brown eyed girls miryo (APPLY) brown eyed girls narsha (APPLY) brown eyed girls changsub (APPLY) btob eunkwang (APPLY) btob hyunsik (APPLY) btob peniel (APPLY) btob sungjae (APPLY) btob kangjun (APPLY) c-clown maru (APPLY) c-clown ray (APPLY) c-clown rome (APPLY) c-clown siwoo (APPLY) c-clown t.k (APPLY) c-clown annj (APPLY) c-real chemi (APPLY) c-real effie (APPLY) c-real lenny (APPLY) c-real redee (APPLY) c-real jaeyoon (APPLY) chocolat juliane (APPLY) chocolat melanie (APPLY) chocolat minsoa (APPLY) chocolat jonghyun (APPLY) cnblue jungshin (APPLY) cnblue minhyuk (APPLY) cnblue yonghwa (APPLY) cnblue ayoung (APPLY) dal shabet jiyul (APPLY) dal shabet kaeun (APPLY) dal shabet serri (APPLY) dal shabet subin (APPLY) dal shabet viki (APPLY) dal shabet woohee (APPLY) dal shabet dari (APPLY) dalmatian dayday (APPLY) dalmatian drama (APPLY) dalmatian inati (APPLY) dalmatian jisu (APPLY) dalmatian simon (APPLY) dalmatian youngwon (APPLY) dalmatian changmin (APPLY) dbsk jaejoong (APPLY) dbsk junsu (APPLY) dbsk yoochun (APPLY) dbsk yunho (APPLY) dbsk hayana (APPLY) evo-l jucy (APPLY) evo-l junghwa (APPLY) evo-l say (APPLY) evo-l yull (APPLY) evo-l dami (APPLY) exid haeung (APPLY) exid hani (APPLY) exid le (APPLY) exid yuzi (APPLY) exid chanyeol (APPLY) exo-k kyungsoo (APPLY) exo-k ace (APPLY) exo-m chen (APPLY) exo-m xiumin (APPLY) exo-m yixing (APPLY) exo-m victoria (APPLY) f(x) daegun (APPLY) f.cuz jinon (APPLY) f.cuz kan (APPLY) f.cuz leeu (APPLY) f.cuz raehyun (APPLY) f.cuz yejin (APPLY) f.cuz caolu (APPLY) fiestar cheska (APPLY) fiestar hyemi (APPLY) fiestar linzy (APPLY) fiestar yezi (APPLY) fiestar hongki (APPLY) ft island jaejin (APPLY) ft island jonghun (APPLY) ft island minhwan (APPLY) ft island seunghyun (APPLY) ft island sunny (APPLY) girls generation jihae (APPLY) girls' day minah (APPLY) girls' day sojin (APPLY) girls' day yura (APPLY) girls' day amet (APPLY) gp basic leah (APPLY) gp basic mui (APPLY) gp basic trinity (APPLY) gp basic zion (APPLY) gp basic alice (APPLY) hello venus lime (APPLY) hello venus nara (APPLY) hello venus dongwoo (APPLY) infinite hoya (APPLY) infinite sunggyu (APPLY) infinite sungyeol (APPLY) infinite woohyun (APPLY) infinite gyuri (APPLY) kara hara (APPLY) kara jiyoung (APPLY) kara nicole (APPLY) kara seungyeon (APPLY) kara hanbyul (APPLY) ledapple hyoseok (APPLY) ledapple keonu (APPLY) ledapple kwangyeon (APPLY) ledapple kyumin (APPLY) ledapple youngjun (APPLY) ledapple g.o (APPLY) mblaq joon (APPLY) mblaq mir (APPLY) mblaq seungho (APPLY) mblaq thunder (APPLY) mblaq fei (APPLY) miss a jia (APPLY) miss a chaejin (APPLY) myname gunwoo (APPLY) myname insoo (APPLY) myname junkyu (APPLY) myname seyong (APPLY) myname aron (APPLY) nu'est baekho (APPLY) nu'est jr (APPLY) nu'est minhyun (APPLY) nu'est pikachu (APPLY) pokemon eul (APPLY) rainbow hyunyoung (APPLY) rainbow jaekyung (APPLY) rainbow jisook (APPLY) rainbow seungah (APPLY) rainbow woori (APPLY) rainbow yoohye (APPLY) rainbow di (APPLY) rania joy (APPLY) rania lucy (APPLY) rania riko (APPLY) rania saem (APPLY) rania jonghyun (APPLY) shinee minho (APPLY) shinee onew (APPLY) shinee dasom (APPLY) sistar hyorin (APPLY) sistar soyou (APPLY) sistar ailee (APPLY) sololist boa (APPLY) sololist fatcat (APPLY) sololist gna (APPLY) sololist jay park (APPLY) sololist k.will (APPLY) sololist nsyoonji (APPLY) sololist psy (APPLY) sololist rain (APPLY) sololist se7en (APPLY) sololist donghae (APPLY) super junior eunhyuk (APPLY) super junior hankyung (APPLY) super junior heechul (APPLY) super junior henry (APPLY) super junior kangin (APPLY) super junior kibum (APPLY) super junior kyuhyun (APPLY) super junior leeteuk (APPLY) super junior ryeowook (APPLY) super junior shindong (APPLY) super junior siwon (APPLY) super junior sungmin (APPLY) super junior zhoumi (APPLY) super junior ahreum (APPLY) t-ara boram (APPLY) t-ara dani (APPLY) t-ara eunjung (APPLY) t-ara hwayoung (APPLY) t-ara hyomin (APPLY) t-ara qri (APPLY) t-ara soyeon (APPLY) t-ara cap (APPLY) teen top changjo (APPLY) teen top chunji (APPLY) teen top niel (APPLY) teen top ricky (APPLY) teen top aj (APPLY) ukiss dongho (APPLY) ukiss eli (APPLY) ukiss hoon (APPLY) ukiss kibum (APPLY) ukiss kiseop (APPLY) ukiss soohyun (APPLY) ukiss xander (APPLY) ukiss daniel lachapelle (APPLY) ulzzangs han jinho (APPLY) ulzzangs jung yoogeun (APPLY) ulzzangs kang hyukmin (APPLY) ulzzangs kim shinyeong (APPLY) ulzzangs kwon sujeong (APPLY) ulzzangs lee dohyeong (APPLY) ulzzangs lee geumhee (APPLY) ulzzangs leo recipon (APPLY) ulzzangs park chihoon (APPLY) ulzzangs park hyungseok (APPLY) ulzzangs park taejun (APPLY) ulzzangs song chanho (APPLY) ulzzangs won jongjin (APPLY) ulzzangs lim (APPLY) wonder girls sohee (APPLY) wonder girls sunye (APPLY) wonder girls yeeun (APPLY) wonder girls yubin (APPLY) wonder girls bubs (APPLY) youtube stars chonny (APPLY) youtube stars darren (APPLY) youtube stars nigahiga (APPLY) youtube stars pewdiepie (APPLY) youtube stars shimmy (APPLY) youtube stars heechul (APPLY) ze:a hyungshik (APPLY) ze:a junyoung (APPLY) ze:a kevin (APPLY) ze:a kwanghee (APPLY) ze:a minwoo (APPLY) ze:a siwan (APPLY) ze:a taehun (APPLY) ze:a