Masterlist of Characters

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Character Played By Group
ø Zelo (Vice President) (Inactive) yourdog Ace High School [Student Government]
President (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Public Relations Officer (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Representative I (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Representative II (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Representative II (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Secretary (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
Treasurer (APPLY) Ace High School [Student Government]
❋ Nana (Public Relations Officer) -luhanass Rose Academy [Rose Council]
❋ Yuko (Rosa Sempervirens) Squidward Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Mistress (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Rosa Canina (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Rosa Foetida (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Secretary (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Treasurer (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Vice President (APPLY) Rose Academy [Rose Council]
Pater Duo (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Pater Tres (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Pater Unus (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Public Relations Officer (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Secretary (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Summus Senator (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Treasurer (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Vice President (APPLY) The Athenaeum [The Senate]
Headmistress Squidward The School Moderators
Prefect (APPLY) The School Moderators
Principal yourdog The School Moderators