Personal Message

fatelines •✗ ✓ Tracker — Last Edited: 05/04/2017

01. min yoongi - Alpha Assist - 3rdpov - Replied  (Heat week.)
02. kim jongin - Alpha Assist - 3rdpov - Pending ✗ (David Guetta's Light My Body Up)
03. lee taemin - Rooms/Walls - 3rdpov - Pending 
04. xu minghao - Rooms/Walls - 3rdpov - Pending 
05. do kyungsoo - Bar - 3rdpov - Replied ✓ (G-Eazy's Get Away)
06. kim jinhwan - Jinhwan's Apartment - 3rdpov - Pending 
07. do hanse - Baekhyun's Penthouse - 3rdpov - Replied 
08. bang yongguk - University - 3rdpov - Replied 

09. Name - Rooms/Walls - 3rdpov - Started 
10. Name - Rooms/Walls - 3rdpov - Started 

Note: Not accepting any more. Poke after three days.






β° min yoongi 2 minutes ago Reply




lana del rey - "religion" | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | for you there's only love.
byun baekhyun
Alpha Assist, the company that provides service to lonely Omegas in heat by providing a temporary carer, is his baby. An idea he planted and nurtured and watched grow. The fruits he reaped are of his own efforts and he will not let a single soul tell him otherwise. Byun Baekhyun was born a workaholic, and no one can blame him. As a child he was often bullied for his feminine features, as being an Omega is looked down upon for males. He allowed them to have the luxury of doubt for a while, before he emerged as an Alpha after puberty had ended. Byun was not the type to harbour vengeance, and so he graduated high school without as much as batting an eyelash at his bullies. They were idiots anyway. Once he graduated the idea to create Alpha Assist came about and that's when he settled in and placed all his time and effort into that idea. It became a successful business. Eventually money came about and fame with it, as it was one of the most innovative ideas and like that. Baekhyun never cared, not really. He's simply just making a means to live. And his life revolves around his work.
Baekhyun is a quiet man. Reserved, if you'd like to think, but it's mostly because he prefers to observe more than to take action. He's the kind of man to make plans before he does something. He hates being reckless. Baekhyn is also fierce when he is annoyed, and may get violent if someone doesn't know when to shut the hell up. When it comes to mating, he prefers to dominate. He has never bottomed as of late, and he'd prefer to keep it that way. He stays clear of pheromones since he isn't good at rersisting temptation. If he goes into a rut you better make sure you're wearing a collar, because he likes to /bite/.
I would appreciate if we use these as foundations instead of the whole storyline! Add your own twists and flavours - any ideas or thought bubbles are very welcome.

The Assisstant - O - Availablility (1/1) - Jongin - /drama/angst(if plotted thoroughly) - Baekhyun specified to not have an Omega as his personal assistant, but for some ing reason HR messed it up. In comes you. And the HR manager insists that you passed the interview with flying colours. Something about you caught his interest. But to Baekhyun, he smells trouble. He has a weakness for pheromones and such and you aren't helping with his problem.
The Douche - A - Availability (0/2) - violence/action//angst - You were one of Baekhyun's bullies. For some reason you still can't wrap your head around the fact that Pretty Baek is an Alpha - and a rich one at that. So you track him down once the rumours have proved true on the newspapers. It's not a pleasant meeting. Baekhyun still recalls you telling him that you'd like the sight of him on his knees and he is not ready to be a 'good boy'.

The Lover - A/B/O - Availability (0/1) - angstangstangst - So apparently you aren't dead. Baekhyun is rich and money is like blood to sharks - apparently he has enemies he doesn't know of. And they came to you first. That's why your family whisked you away once they found you in the hospital after the plane crash. You didn't mean to let Baekhyun think that you died but you had no choice. Those sharks are going to get to you and your parents insist that you can't save yourself, or Baekhyun. But you're determined to come back and find him because you're very, very sorry. "Baekhyun, forgive me."

The Singer - B/O - Availability (0/1) - drama/angst/ - Baekhyun likes to frequent a certain club downtown whenever he gets too stressed from work. The melody from the live performers moulds transient hands that somehow relieves the alpha of the knots in his shoulders, easing him of tension, and your voice. Oh, your voice. Sweet and young, with a tone that speaks of years of experience that youthful face of yours can never say. He's attracted to you, the singer on the stage, the beauty under the silver ball. And he wants to pay you to be his, for only one night.

The Customer - O - Availablility (1/1) - Jinhwan - /angst/comedy/drama - So you paid for the service of Alpha Assist, but the carer you received was ing horrible. He didn't help you through your heat at all and so you called Baekhyun to tell him of your complaint. You're fuming - demanding that you get your money back, and that's when Baekhyun apologizes and gives you an offer. He will be your carer, for the duration of one heat, free of charge. Is it a deal?

Min Yoongi 
 Engaged - 23/03/17