Personal Message



2022 tiger in heart
2022 valentine daddy

won in the game

2022 crack egg wins:

merry christmas, seo ♡ i made you this pair of suit some time ago and was waiting for the right time to give it to you with this ring as well...try them on and tell me what you think? + this puppy doll reminds me of you. i love you so much... let's be happy this christmas, and the next ones too. -minghao-
2022 christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
-Santa Hyunjin
2022 christmas

 2024 valentine


who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i think i like you


[Full name] Park Seojoon
[Age] 33
[Position] Top that can switch in emergencies
Seojoon is a reserved, charismatic guy with great deductive skills. He has a lot going on inside his head, but he rarely lets it out. He’s a pretty simple person, but he’s been through a lot.
[Ideal guy] Someone who can tear down his defenses and heal his broken parts. Someone independent who can fend for themselves, and with whom he can have great conversations over tea with. 
[Job] Ex-Convict
[A little about the character]
Seojoon grew up in a poor neighborhood, struggling to stay away from crime and in school. He joined the police force as soon as he came of age so that he could give back to the community which had raised him, making it into detective very early in his career. He had been top detective in the precinct for two years when he was shot at a shootout during which he also lost his partner. Due to PTSD and anxiety, he was unable to rejoin the force, and started working at the cat cafe in an attempt to find his mental sanity again. However, after internal affairs reviewed the shootout incident, he was arrested and wrongly convicted for bribery. Only after a year in jail, a new testimony uncovered the real mole in his former team, and he was released and handsomely compensated for the mistake.
[Password] - Actor
[POV] First detailed