Personal Message


proper profile to come soon !

— cheon hayeon.
— july 10th + twenty-five years old.
— actress.
— vocal 6/10 × dance 4/10 × rap 0/10 × acting 10/10.
— plays the violin + modelling (both runway and print) + traditional art (main media charcoal and acrylic).
— debuting at the tender age of five, hayeon was the quintessential child actress who was dubbed "nation's younger sister", often getting typecasted into the aforementioned roles in her older projects. her notoriety only rose when it was revealed that she was actually the adoptive daughter of an infamous tv producer, eventually garnering mixed acclaims about her talent in acting... not that there should be anything to question in the first place, she's good at what she does and her peers knew it. yet the criticisms became too much for the fragile young hayeon, and she opted to seek solace in the relative obscurity of a normal life; only returning to the spotlight after she graduated from university, this time willing to expand her repertoire into various genres.