
full name: Na Haeun
birthdate + age: january 6, 2000 (24)
occupation: manager
skills: fluent in english. has a CPR certificate. almost professional photography/photo editing skills. 
background: At a young age Haeun was already well-wersed with the world, her mother ran a pharmaceutical company that did just well enough to send her to study abroad in Canada. She does not know much about her father since her parents divorced while she was young. When she came back to South Korea after completing her university studies abroad—graduating with a B.A. in studio art with a photography concentration—her plan had been to find work as soon as possible. There was some tension with her and her mother when she decided not to pursue a medical occupation, but the two could never stay mad at each other for long. Long story short, after only a year working as an assistant, she got into a work accident that fractured her wrist and ever since then it became difficult to hold up the heavy equipment and edit for long. Haeun was forced to delegate her passion to a hobby and instead found work as a manager.