Personal Message

✱ OC NAME    ⸺  Nagaoka Urena
✱ CODENAME    ⸺  Screech
✱ OC AGE + DOB    ⸺  21, 21 September 2001
✱ SPECIES    ⸺  Human mutant
✱ POWER    ⸺  Sonic Scream + Teleportation through sound waves

  • Needs to be able to scream to use either of her powers
  • Needs to be able to hear to teleport
  • Any form of sound nullification or muting renders her powers useless
  • Different gases and liquids affect her scream and teleportation due to how sound waves travel through them
  • Her scream tends to hurt and she can only use it five times before she risks tearing the lining of - constantly has a sore throat and has developed an addiction to cough sweets because of this.
  • The aim of her sonic scream isn’t the most reliable and accidental damage can be caused to things around her or even to distant people with sensitive hearing.
  • While her sonic scream can harm people it isn’t strong enough to kill anyone and she’d be lucky to knock an adult out with it.
  • She has to wear ear plugs to avoid being deafened by her own scream.
  • Her teleportation can only occur using the sound waves of her own scream.
  • She can’t always tell where she will teleport to due to sound waves travelling beyond the eyeline.
  • After teleportation Screech tends to be quite disoriented, dizzy and displaying symptoms similar to motion sickness for 5-10 minutes.
  • Whilst in the teleporting process she is unaware of what is happening outside of the sound waves.
  • Teleportation is limited to the speed of sound.
  • Aside from her scream and teleportation Urena is an average although somewhat weak human and is vulnerable to all attacks that humans would be.

✱ ARCHETYPE    ⸺  The Underdog
✱ MORAL ALIGNMENT    ⸺  Neutral/Chaotic Good
✱ OCCUPATION    ⸺  Journalist
✱ CONNECTION IDEA    ⸺  A photographer who works for the same newspaper, Screech and then regular attend the same events and work together on their stories and even occasionally fabricate some stories when things are quiet