
✦ Wanted
For any wishes the members of the rp want to make. This is also so people who don't know who to be can find someone they want to fc.
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— the pretender
— power(s): assimilation (ability to attach oneself to the life of another person or group of people [taking on a new identity and blending into the life of the person or group of people targeted]; sub-power one is perception field, a passive ability that affects the way others perceive the individual using the ability [similar to the "perception filter" from doctor who, makes the gazes of others almost "slide off" the user as they do not register anything amiss]; sub-power two is pseudo immortality, a passive ability that is activated upon using the assimilation ability; sub-power three is object creation, a semi-passive ability to create a single object that is only activated upon using the assimilation ability; sub-power four is consciousness transfer, the ability to transfer one's consciousness/personhood/identity/memories/etc. to an object [created through the object creation ability] that is only activated upon using the assimilation ability)
— weaknesses:
+ when using the assimilation ability the user is forced to transfer their consciousness (or "self") into the object created via their object creation ability; they then completely forget about their original identity as their body (the remaining part of their original self) has a new "self" inserted into it
+ when using the assimilation ability the user must first create the new identity they wish to take on; the more detailed this new identity is the less room for error (an example of the result of a less-detailed identity: they create an identity that is described as a "thrill seeker" but do not specify what activities they undertake to get said thrills. this can lead to the new identity (once in place) taking on much more dangerous thrilling activities than intended, putting their life in danger.)
+ the purpose of the object holding the user's original self is to ensure that they can return to their original self at any time
+ once the new identity is in place the user is not aware of the purpose of the object created, only having the faintest urge to keep it close to them
+ over time the user will have a stronger and stronger urge to "open" the object holding their consciousness; upon opening this object their original self is immediately returned to the body and the assimilated identity is partially erased (as in, memories of everything that occurred when the new identity was in control remain, but the user is aware that the identity/person never truly existed as the original self is now in control again)
+ the object created by the user must have the ability to be "opened" (symbolizing a release of the original self; example objects are pocket watches, compact mirrors, jewelry boxes, a new pack of trading cards, a zippo lighter, etc.)
+ the user's body does not change appearance when using assimilation ability (leading to the purpose of the perception field ability: a passive ability that encourages others to not notice anything "off" about the user's presence in someone's life)
+ the new identity cannot take on any new abilities/powers when created
+ the user's body will age in and outside of taking on a new identity; the catch is that if they have aged in a new identity, upon opening their created object their body will return to the original state they were in before the assimilation ability was activated
+ the longer the user remains in a new identity the more of a toll it takes on their body (they can remain in a new identity for seconds or decades, and the rate of this toll is constantly changing) (symptoms include: dizziness, headache, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, pain in the chest and emotional & mental dissonance)
+ the effectiveness of the assimilation is reliant upon the factors of the life the user is attaching themself to (for example, it is much easier to have a believable assimilation in a regular family than it is to assimilate to a famous person like a celebrity or politician); this is because the perception field can only do so much, and those with the ability to detect something off or see completely through the perception field (if they know enough about the person or people the user is attached to) they will know that the user does not belong

— someone who has lived more other lives than they have been their own self. the reason for constantly assimilating? they are being chased by someone (or something) that intends to capture them to torture them and use steal their abilities for less-than-good ideas. [POTENTIAL PARTNER CHARACTER (THE ONE CHASING THEM) MAY BE INTRODUCED LATER]
— insp. doctor who (new who) season 3 episode 8 "human nature"
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— cold front
— power(s): cold front (ability to produce cold air + control its flow & intensity) + evaporation (ability to remove any type of wetness or humidity from the surrounding area; [if a sub-power is desired] sublimation, the ability to change frozen solids (water, juice, etc.) into their gas state)
— weaknesses:
+ cannot manipulate/control water or other liquids besides evaporating them
+ can only produce and control cold air, not hot hair
+ due to a lower body temperature (due to cold front ability) they are better suited to cold environments, and warm environments can affect their physical well-being
+ when cold front ability is combined with [PARTNER CHARACTER'S] warm front ability, the resulting storm/tornado/etc. once created cannot be controlled (they can manipulate/remove the cold front helping to power the weather phenomenon, but how effective it is in stopping the storm/tornado/etc. is entirely dependent on mother nature at that point)

— either one half of a pair of twins OR one half of a hero or villain duo. this half controls the cold and dry air necessary to create powerful storms when combined with the warm and wet air produced by their partner.
— insp. the science behind the formation of tornados
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— warm front
— power(s): warm front (ability to produce hot air + control its flow & intensity) + water manipulation (ability to manipulate and control the element of water in its liquid and gas forms)
— weaknesses:
+ cannot manipulate/control frozen water
+ can only produce and control hot air, not cold air
+ due to a higher body temperature (due to warm front ability) they are better suited to warm environments, and cold environments can affect their physical well-being
+ when warm front ability is combined with [PARTNER CHARACTER'S] cold front ability, the resulting storm/tornado/etc. once created cannot be controlled (they can manipulate/remove the warm front helping to power the weather phenomenon, but how effective it is in stopping the storm/tornado/etc. is entirely dependent on mother nature at that point)

— either one half of a pair of twins OR one half of a hero or villain duo. this half controls the warm and wet air necessary to create powerful storms when combined with the cold and dry air produced by their partner.
— insp. the science behind the formation of tornados
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— witch hunt
— power(s): witch hunt (ability to cause mass hysteria in a group of people to turn them on one or multiple other people) + judgement day (ability to create a pocket dimension and put the target(s) on trial to have their fate decided by the jury; results of the trial can affect the target in various ways (mental anguish, physical injury, death, delayed fate, etc.))
— weaknesses:
+ witch hunt ability can only affect up to 50 people at a time
+ of those 50 people only 1-3 of them can become the target for the "witch" hunt
+ when using the witch hunt ability a reason for the hunt is required (this reason can be true or false, there just needs to be a reason at all) (example reasons: "she stole your hard-earned money!" + "they killed that old man from last week's news story!" + "he's a witch!")
+ judgement day ability can only house up to 15 people including the user
+ the pocket dimension of the judgement day ability is empty, and can be filled with any illusion the user desires (ranging from a typical courthouse to more fantastical scenes like the trial taking place on a gigantic scale, or in the pits of hell with fire and brimstone)
+ as the world inside the pocket dimension is an illusion, targets with a strong enough will may be able to see through the illusion; once at least one person has seen through the illusion it will begin to crumble and disappear
+ user MUST be inside the pocket dimension when using judgement day, potentially placing them in harm's way if their target(s) retaliate

— someone that enjoys the power of manipulating others and deciding their fates. doesn't seem to care about putting genuine criminals "on trial," but rather anyone they can get their hands on.
— insp. witch hunt by azari AND father gray from angels of death (game/manga/anime)
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— savior
— species: nephilim (half-human, half-angel)
— classification: villain
— power(s): mandela effect (ability to cause mass belief in events that did not actually occur) + thought manifestation (ability to create objects, creatures and people from the thoughts and memories of others)
— weaknesses:
+ when using the mandela effect ability more and more energy is expended as the number of people being affected increases
+ although a false belief can be implanted into a person, they are not guaranteed to continue believing in it if someone proves the belief false or changes their mind (but if left undisturbed the false memory will persist)
+ it takes near perfect concentration to create a perfect thought manifestation; many manifestations are deformed in some way (lacking brightness of color, misshapen, uncanny appearance, etc.)
+ a manifestation will continue to persist after creation, but this is not advised as they still share a thin connection to the host which can cause issues like phantom pain, loss of energy, etc.
— the offspring of a human and a rogue angel that wishes to craft the world in their desired image. they intend to alter the minds of earth's entire population and flood the planet with thought manifestations of people's worst nightmares (or obsessive daydreams). they will be the savior of this wretched world through any means necessary.
— insp. the mandela catalogue (arg)
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Optional Codename: MinMax.
— Optional Class: Villain.
— Power: Size Changing.
— Weaknesses:
+ Limited to changing only their own size.
+ Limited to how large one can grow and how small one can shrink. (UTP to determine these limits, but must be no bigger than a one-story house and no smaller than a mouse or pencil, for example.)
+ Regular clothing and other equipment does not change size with the user.
+ One has to be careful when becoming larger while in confined places, to avoid getting stuck/trapped inside of a building or damaging surroundings/themselves.
+ In a larger size, one becomes an easier target due to their size hindering their ability to evade attacks.
+ Grown/shrunken size can cause problems with the environment:
+ Growing can make the environment too small and fragile.
+ Shrinking can make the environment over-sized, making normal hazards exponentially more lethal and usually meaningless problems complicated/dangerous.
◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Optional Codename: Tap.
— Optional Class: Villain.
— Power: Location Swapping.
— Weaknesses:
+ Can only switch things that are similar masses/sizes.
+ Will have to know the target's location and have previously been where they want to send the target to.
+ Can only send a target within a specific distance of 25 meters away from themself.
+ Have to be directly focused on their target. In cases where they cannot directly see them, they may end up accidentally swapping with someone or something else instead of their intended target.
+ To activate their ability they have to be able to tap or clap a part of their own body with skin to skin contact. (ie: clapping their hands, tapping their fingers, clicking their heels, etc.)

Works similar to Aoi Todo's innate technique from Jujutsu Kaisen and has to be activated by tapping a part of their body or clapping. See below for more info.

◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Optional Codename: Miracle.
— Optional Class: Villain.
— Optional Archetype: The Conqueror.
— Power: Healing.
— Weaknesses:
+ They cannot heal anyone/themselves unless they are half-dead and their survival instinct is triggered. (Meaning the person they heal has to want to live despite being half-dead.)
+ Their healing hurts other people, but it heals them back to normal.
+ Healing takes some of their life force, making them frequently exhausted or fatigued and sometimes shaving off years of this muse's life, depending on how severely someone was wounded. (In order to change this, they have to drain the life force from others.)
+ Can only heal external wounds.
+ They lose a bit of their sanity every time they have to heal someone.
+ If someone healthy absorbs their blood, spit, etc. they will feel a searing pain.
+ If the person being healed is missing limbs/dismembered, there is a 50/50 chance healing will work. It lessens the more body parts one detaches. They cannot bring back a lost limb though.

◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Optional Codename: Feeler??
— Power: Substance Mimicry. (User is able to shift into any substance. (ie: poison, gas, water, electricity, ice, etc.))
— Weaknesses:
+ Some users may not be able to return to their original body/form.
+ May require constant contact with element/substance to stay in transformed state.
+ Opposite elements may contradict each other and harm the user.
+ Clothes and equipment will not shift with the user.
+ If the user is rendered unconscious, their body might automatically transform into their normal state.
+ The user is often subject to all effects that affect the material they are made of.
+ If composed of reactionary elements, the user can be rendered inert at sub-zero temperatures due to chemical reactions ceasing at that point.
+ The elemental form may have different needs than a normal human. For example, a fire elemental that needs to constantly be burning things.
+ The user may be unable to affect targets with the proper immunity.
◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Optional Codename: The Cleric.
— Power: Organic cloning via parts of themselves that they remove or detach.
— Weaknesses:
+ Can only clone themselves and their cells.
+ Once a limb is lost to create a clone, they cannot get it back and a new one will grow in its place. In order for this to occur, they must consume the blood, flesh, and bone of something else. As such, the new limb may look different from the last.
+ The clones naturally act as an extension of the main body, similar to a hive mind. Clones cannot and will not act of their own free will unless they are instructed to perform a specific task.
+ Can create up to 36 clones???
+ The clones must maintain a 30 meter distance from the user.
+ Damage to a clone affects the main body; the user will feel pain in their left arm if they used their left arm to make a clone.
+ Pain or struggle to the main body may cause the clones to be distressed as well.
+ When a clone is destroyed, it turns to dust and the limb of the main body temporarily stops working for 10 seconds. The user will also feel pain from this.
◇ ﹕ riot. [A] 1 month ago

— Codename idea: Citrus.
— Power: Acid Manipulation.
— Weaknesses:
+ Unable to create acid, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
+ Control is essential, acid can be extremely dangerous.
+ User may be vulnerable to their own acid.
+ User may be limited to what type of acid they can control.
+ Limited to the particular amount of acid they can control. (Depends on how much they can carry in and on their person.)
+ Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
+ Their powers may be neutralized for a short time if they are exposed to a strong base.
+ Certain metals and non-corrosive materials are immune to this power.

◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— sugar spin
— power(s): sugar control (ability to control and manipulate sugar in all of its forms such as granulated, powdered, brown, cane, caramel, melted, etc.)
— for a long time people thought this person was born with a useless power. what does controlling sugar have to contribute to society other than easier clean up when it gets spilt? well this person has gotten a bit creative with their power; hard candy bullets, sugar in the eyes attacks, and do you know how hot sugar has to get for it to melt? enough to leave some serious burns, so watched out for those melted candy whips!
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— the boogeyman
— power(s): fear inducement (ability to cause the affected person to feel intense fear ranging from minor anxiety to full-blown panic; sub-power is the ability to identify the specific fear(s) of the affected person) + fear embodiment (ability to take on the appearance of the affected person's fear(s) after they have been identified via fear inducement)
— a person that is able to embody all of your worst fears and nightmares. a positive feedback loop of scaring you, identifying what is scaring you in that moment, embodying that fear and ultimately exacerbating the initial scare to keep growing and growing and growing until it's all you can seehearthinkfeel. (seems more obvious as a villain, but an unhinged hero or outer would be just as interesting, no?)
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— the mighty inconvenience
— power(s): total inconvenience (ability to cause the most irritating inconveniences for others (ex. misplaced car keys, untied shoelaces, late to the bus stop, hangnails, favorite snack is sold out at the store, weapon jams, tripping down the last step of the stairs, uncharged/dead phone, etc.))
— either a two bit villain that EVERYONE (heroes, villains & outers) finds annoying or a crappy hero that can't do much more than inconvenience the enemy
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
⬙ ﹕ snow angel. 1 month ago
— chara idea if anyone wants it ; need him for a major connection ;v;

▸ The Artifex
  ❆ A fairly young, high-ranking researcher at The Archon's Gate Institution.
  ❆ Has a lot of subjects within the facility and primarily works with troubled youth and all manner of damaged individuals. One thing they all have in common?—they're all pretty—effeminate, soft-faced, and almost doll-like, making The Artifex the most picky out of all major researchers in the institution.
  ❆ Half-human (feel free to decide what the other half will be).
  ❆ Power(s): Dreamwalking, Domain Creation
  ❆ Morally gray, but he's got some genuine love and kindness in there somewhere—you just gotta figure out how to get to it. Manipulative. A little crazy in the head. Has a very twisted understanding of helping people improve or be better versions of themselves (hence the treating people like dolls part).
  ❆ Did I mention poor Snow Angel is obsessed with this guy? (it's basically a researcher x subject kind of dynamic, really)

  ❏ this part's optional, but if you happen to rp anyone from these groups, would love that: riize, wayv
  (again, not necessary though! if you want the chara idea, just go ahead uvu)

— feel free to pm me if you need more info tho o/
◇ ﹕ reaction master. [A] 1 month ago

— boombox
— power(s): couple dance (ability to force an opponent to engage in a couple dance which renders them incapable of fighting, running, etc. until the dance is over; activated by user making eye contact with someone and executing the first dance move) + radio play (ability to produce music/audio seemingly out of thin air by intercepting radio waves and vibrating the air molecules to produce sound, also able to adjust the volume of said sound to the point of bursting ear drums and shaking the ground/buildings, etc.)
— a lover of music and dance that never intended to become a hero, but somehow wound up in the profession. some people think they're ridiculous dancing and playing music in the field, but hey, as long as they're having fun, right?
— insp. boombox by laura marano
— can be interpreted, edited and changed however you want if you decide to take it up!
◆ ﹕ q-bit. [A] 1 month ago

Twisted Tinkerbell (TW for basically unethical experimentation)
TLDR: a dude would experiment on mutants and long story short, this muse is one of the ones he experimented on AND also his assistant mutant who helped him with experiments. in turn, they started experimenting on mutants themself, at first to help somewhat undo the effects of previous experimentation, but they got this whole scientific curiosity thing to them now. and as a natural tinkerer, they kinda feel like this could be their calling or something idk. this is based on an old character i had. thinking their powers would be something to do with creation or modification. either that or maybe they amplify things. idk, it's up to you, but this is an idea i had for a character.


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saorsa 1 week ago
i kinda failed @ life and died rip

what are the chances i can nab Eclipse and Kirin back ;; (and if only one, eclipse over kirin)

himbos [A] 1 week ago
✶  ╱  ᴅᴇᴠɪᴀɴᴛs  ⤳  ɴᴏᴛᴇs!
⸺   recently completed an activity check to make sure people were still with us! don't mind the inactives you see. we're still around and still kicking it, we just take our time and actually act as a self paced rp. if you're looking for a roleplay where you can come and go with your muse, i definitely suggest joining!
frecklycheeks 4 weeks ago
aurelion yoon has deviated from their life as stray kids' lee felix and now roams the world as dreamweaver, a villain with the power of illusion casting.
RotomDex 1 month ago
percer auclair has deviated from their life as actress kiernan shipka, and now roams the word as pierce, an antihero with the power of interdimensional teleportation.
venitempus 1 month ago
haneul 'hal' park has deviated from their life as stray kids' hwang hyunjin and now roams the world as crimson, a villain with the power of hemokinesis.
synodic 1 month ago
it's the way i keep coming back to ogle at this but i don't have tIME-
creamsoda 1 month ago
hi hi
i have a quick question before i reserve?
collision 1 month ago
faye chaichana has deviated from their life as kiss of life's natty suputtipong and now roams the world as nyx, a hero with the power of umbrakinesis
-lait- 1 month ago
chae minsu has deviated from their life as seventeen’s choi seungcheol and now roams the world as cerberus, a villain with hell hound physiology
lostinparadise 1 month ago
Kwon Joohyuk has deviated from their life as Ateez Choi San and now roams the world as Zephyr, a hero with the power of Aerokinesis.
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