
Oliver Wang

Jan. 10th, 2003 + 21



– vocal : 5/10

– rap : 1/10

– dance : 5/10

– acting : 7/10

Skills: Piano, Violin, & Guitar

Oliver Wang is the son of two modeling veterans and the younger twin brother of a modeling agency ceo. He grew up being in the shadows of his older twin brother Oz and wanted to be like him one day. Sadly, his parents always favor Oz because he had good grades and popularity while he was being treated invisible by the three of them. One day when he finished middle school, Oliver decided to leave his hometown in Jeju Island and move to Seoul with the help of his uncle who also had gone through a similar childhood like his. As years go by with no word from his family, Oliver decided to audition at I.V.E.R. (La Vie En Rose) Entertainment before he managed to pass it. with lot of hard work and dedication, he was able to pass the auditions and became a trainee there. In the end, he knew he needed to face reality and focus on himself instead of wasting his time for waiting for his own family to come around.