Personal Message
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Birth Name: Park Minsoo.
  • Other Names:
    • Jon (English)
    • Nickname(s): Minisoo (Dami).
  • Date of Birth + Age: December 16, 1986.
  • Residence(s)
    • Seoul, South Korea (birthplace; 1986-2004; 2010-present)
    • San Diego, California (2004-2010)
  • Nationality: Korean.
  • Citizenship: South Korea and the United States
  • Ethnicity: Korean.
  • Religion: N/A.
  • Education: University of California San Diego (MBA in Accounting, MFA in Acting).
  • Spoken Language(s):
    • Korean (Native)
    • English (C2/Fluent)
  • Orientation: Heteroual, Demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single, In Love.
  • Love Language: Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.
  • Career:
    • Occupation: Actor and Model.
    • Fanbase: Soointoyou.
    • Years Active: 2010—Present
      • Actor (2010–present, Nova Lux Corp, active)
      • Model (2011-present, Nova Lux Corp, active)
    • Talents:
      • Acting: ★★★★★
      • Modeling: ★★★★★
      • Singing: ★★★☆☆
    • Skills:
      • Cooking: ★★★★☆
      • Horseback Riding: ★★★★★
      • Fencing: ★★★☆☆
    • Filmography:
      • (2010) High Kick! 2 — Jeong Junhyeok
      • (2012) Dream High 2 — Siwoo
      • (2014) A Witch's Love — Yoon Dongha
      • (2015) Kill Me, Heal Me — Oh Rion
      • (2015) She Was Pretty — Ji Sungjoon
      • (2015) The Beauty Inside — Woojin
      • (2016) Hwarang — Moo Myung/Sun Woorang
      • (2016) Goblin: The Great and Lonely God — Grim Reaper
      • (2017) Fight for My Way — Ko Dongman
      • (2018) What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? — Lee Youngjoon
      • (2018) Crazy Rich Asians — Nick Young
      • (2019) Parasite — Minhyuk
      • (2019) The Divine Fury — Yonghoo
      • (2019) Arthdal Chronicles — Eunseom/Saya
      • (2020) Itaewon Class — Park Saeroyi
      • (2021) Space Sweepers — Taeho
      • (2023) Gyeongseong Creature — Jang Taesang
      • (2023) The Marvels — Prince Yan
      • (2023) Dream — Yoon Hongdae
      • (2024) Gyeongseong Creature 2 — Hojae

Appearance Trivia

  • Faceclaim: Actor Park Seojoon.
  • Height: 185cm (6'1")
  • Weight: 69kg (152lbs)
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Physique: here.
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown.
  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Fashion Style: here

Notable Relationships

  • Mother: Lee Minyoung (deceased 2001).
  • Stepmother: Seo Minji.
  • Father: Park Soohyun.
  • Siblings:
    • Park Eunwon – older sister
    • Park Nayeon – younger sister
    • younger half-sister (open connection)
    • younger half-brother (open connection)
  • Friend(s):
    • Message to work out a dynamic and be added!
  • Lover(s):
    • Ex-Girlfriend (open connection)
    • Kim Dami
The Story

Chapter I

Being the eldest son of the main family of Park Group came with a plethora of expectations. He had been raised from a young age to be able to handle taking over the family business when he got older. But Minsoo always wanted more than just being the Heir.
His parents suggested he go to a university in the United States, and had even picked one out for him. Not wanting to disappoint them, he agreed, seeing this time away from his family as a perfect opportunity. Attending school in a foreign country allowed him the chance to pursue his interests while still making his family proud.
Chapter II
Minsoo returned home with two degrees, which made his family happy, even if they were disappointed in one being in acting. He made many connections while at school, and once he was back home, he used them to help get his headshot out to directors. His first gig came in the form of a sitcom that was rather popular. From there, he did small modeling gigs and cameos in music videos. His big break came with his next drama, where he has a more prominent role, also allowing him to sing.
It was then that Minsoo had to make a decision. It was time to formally join a company as an actor or give up this life and return to life as the Heir to Park Group. The decision was rather easy and quick to make. His older sister just so happened to have an entertainment company, so after negotiating terms with their legal team, he signed a contract with them and has been with them ever since.

The Vibes



He seeks meaning and wants to contribute to something bigger than himself. Thrives on inspiring and helping others reach their potential and values harmony and dislikes conflict. He's dependable, keeps his commitments, and can manage stress well. This man is a natural leader with a big heart. He's results-oriented and passionate about making the world a better place.
Chinese: Fire Tiger.
Western: Sagittarius.
Natal Chart: Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Gemini, Rising: Capricorn.
The Protagonist — People with the ENFJ personality type feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, ENFJs strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. These personalities rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy. ENFJs are born leaders, their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring people with the ENFJ personality type a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
Type 9: The Peacemaker — Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness.
Choleric-Sanguine — Has a natural drive to quickly get results. They are goal and bottom-line oriented and can be very persuasive in promoting their ideas and goals. They are easily annoyed when others do not comply with their instructions or directions but it passes quickly; quickly aroused, and easily calmed. They are not angry, although others may at times think they are furious. They are impatient and will push others to obtain results and be productive.
Moral Alignment
Lawful Good — A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. It combines honor and compassion.
Strengths: Reliable – Passionate – Altruistic – Charismatic – Trustworthy – Serene – Emotionally Stable – Supportive

Likes: wine, spoiling others.
Weaknesses: Confrontational – Stubborn – Restless

Dislikes: feeling disregarded.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Exercising, Reading, Swimming.

Good Habits: Regular sleep schedule, Regular exercise, healthy diet, good time management.

Bad Habits: tends to not make his bed, constantly misplacing his wallet and keys.
• Park Group is currently one of the biggest conglomerates in Asia. They own several restaurants and hotels around the world, two resort islands, and are major shareholders in three entertainment companies, including Nova Lux Corp, and two broadcasting stations. They also frequently donate to various high schools, universities, museums, and galleries in several countries. There are three family estates.

The One For Me

name here
  • Dating Since: 00 Month 0000
  • Engaged Since: 00 Month 0000
  • Married Since: 00 Month 0000
Paragraph for this section goes here. Can be as long or short as you want it to be since this section scrolls. If you need another paragraph just hit enter. I'll provide one for you probably.

More text here. Hit shift + enter for a new paragraph.


Updated 29 JUNE 2024

Kim Dami
Relationship Level⠀★★★★★★★
Nickname(s): Beautiful, Angel
Relationship: colleagues, lovers
It was never meant to be love, it was supposed to be purely physical. But there was something about her that drew him in from the first touch. He wasn't even her only one, but he couldn't help but stay by her side. Before he knew it, he had fallen deeply in love, and waited patiently for her to return to him. It took some time, but finally his first love returned to him, allowing him to finally have her in the ways he always wanted.
name here
Relationship Level⠀★★★★★☆☆
Nickname(s): what I call them
Availability: Open/Taken
Relationship: here
Preferred Gender(s): here
Age Range: here
Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.
Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level⠀★★★★★☆☆
Nickname(s): what I call them
Availability: Open/Taken
Relationship: here
Preferred Gender(s): here
Age Range: here
Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.
Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level⠀★★★★★☆☆
Nickname(s): what I call them
Availability: Open/Taken
Relationship: here
Preferred Gender(s): here
Age Range: here
Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.
Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level⠀★★★★★☆☆
Nickname(s): what I call them
Availability: Open/Taken
Relationship: here
Preferred Gender(s): here
Age Range: here
Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.
Here is another paragraph if you need it.
Out of Character

Read Before You Approach Me

✶ ⁞ mun
  • ooc aliases: nikki, babyqueen, bbq, queenie, or any character names
  • pronouns: she/her
  • ooc age: 97 liner — 25+
  • ooc timezone: GMT-5
✶ ⁞ plotting
When approaching me to plot, please be sure to have at least a basic plot or connection idea in mind. I love plotting so part of the fun of roleplaying for me is making fleshing out the plots and connections for future threads.
That being said, we don't always have to flesh out every little detail. As long as we at least establish their overall dynamic or relationship to each other, I can work with it.
I'm a firm believer in whichever character makes the most sense to start the thread is who should do the starter.
✶ ⁞ writing style
My preferred style is 3rd POV, with lengths varying from semi-para to novella. However, I can and will do detailed 1st script for casual "simple" threads or ones that are faster-paced. I prefer the detailed writing that 3rd para allows, but I'm flexible and will try to mirror my writing partner in pov and length.
When doing starters, I will almost always do them in 3rd para, however, we can continue and finish the thread in any style so please don't feel pressured to match my style when replying.
✶ ⁞ activity, replies & poking
I'm currently a full-time student so my activity and reply speed will vary. I will be open about my availability or lack of as often as I can. However, unless I say otherwise, I will ALWAYS reply, it just might take me some time to get to it especially the more detailed the style is.
Please do not poke me. Even if my tracker is not up to date, I'm usually pretty good at keeping track of my replies. However, I am still human and can overlook some, especially if I have many, so feel free to send me a gentle reminder or poke if it's been longer than a week.
✶ ⁞ genres & triggers
I'm open to all genres, however, my muse fluctuates so if I don't feel up to doing a specific genre or topic at the timing of our plot I will let you know. I also try to balance out the genres of my threads, so if we have a dark or angsty thread, I'd like to balance it with a more light-hearted one, whether it's with the same character or a different one.
While I have many triggers ooc, when it comes to roleplaying I tend to have none. That being said, consent is key to everything I do. I will always respect and cater to the triggers of my writing partners so please be sure to communicate any you may have. Any potentially triggering content will always be properly labeled when necessary in my profiles and threads.
Note that if my character has a triggering background, this is purely for information's sake and will NOT be brought up in actual roleplaying unless we specifically plot and consent to to do so.
✶ ⁞ nsfw
I will ONLY do nsfw threads and plots with those 20+ both ic and ooc. Given the rules of the roleplay, there shouldn't be anyone younger than that anyway so we shouldn't have any issues. My characters will always be 21+ so there will always be potential for rated and nsfw plots and threads. I very rarely do pwp but it can be possible as long as we at least establish the scenario or some type of connection.
My muse for fluctuates greatly. As a result, sometimes those replies will be delayed or dropped until my muse returns. However, regardless of where we are in the thread, we can always imply it or make it canon for other threads and plots. Kinks and limits will always be discussed during plotting.


Updated 29 JUNE 2024

• Kim Dami
• Yoo Haewoon
pending starter
• name – location
• name – location
• name – location
• name – location
• name – location
• name – location
29 JUNE 2024 — currently accepting plots, threads, and connections

Past DPs