Personal Message
the beauty of a woman is like a majestic garden, with every petal representing her unique qualities.
— anonymous.
#beauty #unique #rose
personality: mbti - infp.
'the mediator': is a personality type characterized by deep emotions, creativity, and a strong sense of personal values and empathy for others. cami is sensitive, creative, caring, loyal, conflict avoidant if possible, open-minded.
positive traits
creative, empathetic, loyal, open-minded, passionate, hard-working.
negative traits
shy and reserved, overthinker, emotionally sensitive, easily stressed.
talents: dance 10/10, vocal 9.5/10, acting 7/10. skills: english 10/10, cooking 8/10, guitar 7/10, chinese 6/10.
main dancer, lead vocalist, sub rapper, maknae.
ramen, pizza, la style tacos, boba tea, animals, action and romance movies, summer, beach, cuddling, red velvet flavor desserts.
winter, mint chocolate, reading, pineapples on pizza, baking (only bc she tried and messed up the dessert), seafood, sports.
playing the guitar, watching kdramas and movies, exploring new cultures/languages, traveling, experimenting cooking.
fashion style
cute casual- despite preferring hot weather, cami likes to wear over-sized hoodies around the dorms and as airplane fashion if possible. also cute dresses with bows or lace with playful details, denim skirts, cute designs shirts and flowy, etc.
trained for 4 1/2 years, career length since may 12, 2024 which is the debut date of prizm.
#cute #soft #ruby
backstory and current
chapter one - childhood years
camila bae, born and raised in los angeles until she had turned around five ish years old in usa, before moving to busan, south korea afterwards, had a mere simple start towards her growing up journey in a household where her parents weren't really equipped to take care of her, though little cami had barely any idea of the real reason behind that ... since she'd thought that her parents were always so busy with their jobs, but that seems to not be the case. now, either option wasn't that good but at least the excuse of careers wasn't as bad as the other. they barely paid attention to her, and when they did, it often led to arguments and occasional harsh treatment, (cami had blocked many moments in her childhood away so she doesn't recall much detail of harsh moments). as an only child for awhile, she unfortunately felt isolated and unsupported thought during these tough times, music became her escape, providing her with comfort and a sense of peace amidst the neglect and conflict at home.
chapter two - teen years
during her teen years, camila embarked on a challenging four and a half-year journey towards success. she fondly remembered staying up late often, spending hours day and night chatting with an online friend from china (it can be from anywhere tbh, not just china :shrug), whom she connected with due to their shared interests and hobbies. camila went as far as moving to her friend's house and stayed with them for a few months to get away from her family. this friendship deepened as they both dreamed of becoming k-pop idols. despite the challenges at home, music became camila's sanctuary, fueling her passion for singing and music.
chapter three - present years
nowadays, after four and a half years of hard work with being a trainee and almost giving up her dreams as a whole, though she knows how her life may be if she were to move back home.. and the lack of her parent's support didn't help either, so that thought of wanting to avoid it kept her going, that and occasional friends she'd met along the way. it's disappointing that she'd obviously lost contact with some people with the fact that she managed to succeed in debuting as the main dancer, lead vocalist, sub rapper, maknae of the co ed group, prizm, under nova lux. she's content where she is now, adoring her close-less with her members and other fellow artists in the company, intrigued as to what life may have in store for her.
namefull name
dateday of month, year
statusinsert here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Auctor neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut. Nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae.
— name here.
#tulips #red #velvet
camila bae (ruby)
played by moonkitten
out of character
timezone: gmt-4
writing format: semi-lit to novella
activity: 7/10
muse: 8.5/10
speed: 5/10
‣ writing style
my writing tends to range from semi-para to novella. i generally prefer to write in third pov over anything else but you could honestly use either pov too.
‣ plotting
i don't mind plotting or winging, though i do prefer plotting as it seems easier to do in some way. it can be as simple as a small plot or a complex one, and i'm completely fine with any genre too as i am of age.
‣ reply speed
i am on the slow side of things when it comes to replies, though i may have rare moments when i'm a bit faster toward sending. i also try to be somewhat quicker than before so i don't have others waiting too long. replies may come between some days to 2 weeks. i never purposely ghost a plot, i will let you know if i lost muse on it or wish to change some details so you should do the same, communicate is key.
full name
camila bae
nickname (s)
cami, ruby
10.08.2001 + 22
prizm maknae
r/s status
ahead by a century
the tragically hip
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active