
Felix Lee 23 - City Hall Intern: Social Media Manager - LBM International Corporation First Son (mega wealthy) - pm for connections ( has lived in atrani for 6 years now)

PERSONALITY: In general, Felix is a playfully sassy part time lover boy even though most of his love goes to himself. He often is the hypeman of a room and parties, pulling people in by compliments or some form of teasing. He is flirty like a game to him, competing to see who can get the last/best word but sometimes misses when people were flirty with him (blame his sisters for trying to humble him) assuming that of course this is the love and admiration he deserves. He's a very indulgent person and he loves being doted on and even when he's not dressed up he's dressed neat and smelling good always. (usually a mix of sweet cream, berries, cotton and oud). On occasion he would have loud outbursts when excited or yap about his interests when comfortable. Often to get attention back to himself, Felix will pout or sulk all playfully of course, but when he's actually angered he has problems managing, causing him to lash out physically throwing things, shoving or slapping someone. Occasionally rage screaming or laughing in hysterics. Before outright rage, he'd be a little moody, sprinkle in mild jealousy, he might start drinking more an he's an emotional social bunny drunk. 

LIKES: fried chicken, cozy clothes, naps, receiving gifts and compliments, painting/art, karaoke, sunsets, beautiful visuals, aesthetics, fashion, strawberries, puppies, lips, legs
DISLIKES: information being withheld from him, rodents, being told no, slimy foods, dirty nails
QUIRKS: blinking a bunch of times to keep from snapping when irritated, eyes roaming over you before speaking, twisting his ring when nervous/anxious/lost in his thoughts, swatting people

OOC: mostly at work. GMT-6, trying to not do serious replies after 12am. I'm a slow replier. Most themes are okay as long as they were plotted first just pm me to plot.  Usually I in pms unless we're in a relationship. first and third pov are both fine. casual plots first with no pressure. connections welcomed. If you have a problem you can pm me. If you can't pm me. Then don't have a problem.


Leo Montague7:41:53 AMReply

no, bc I think if it's not bc of you, I won't be here still hahah you're part of my best moment here !!


Hwang Hyunjin11:17:01 PMReply

Felix: you a
Me: ykw you’re right


Choi Chanhee12:36:30 AMReply

imma eat him fr


Choi Chanhee12:36:25 AMReply





Sena [A] 1 minute ago Reply

minnie when ur in danger
just hold felix up like simba, squish his belly and he will launch a deadly kawaii-attack