Personal Message

USERNAME: TheEmeraldPrince

TIMEZONE ✧ Pacific time

OOC AGE ✧ ex. Grown AF
EXTRA ✧ No real triggers, not easily offended, love to write, wing over plot 

No one liners, please. You ask you start.

If there is an issue please discuss it with me and don't assume I'm a mind reader.

OOC vs IC me are different

Let's respect each other and have fun yea  




Name: Yukhei Wong  Nickname: Lucas or Louie Pronouns: He Him They Them Age: 26  Birthday: November 23, 1998

Bloodline: Mother demon & Father human mage Status: Single uality: Panual Nationality: English Occupation: Bounty Hunter

  Two decades ago, an individual left a baby boy, no older than five, on Wool’s orphanage doorstep. He came alone without any parent or guardian. With a simple introduction preassembled for the boy, the mother pinned a piece of parchment to his jacket, apologizing on her behalf. Unfamiliar with stability during his adolescence, Lucas moved from foster home to foster home. Despite having no magical heritage attachment, he was branded a freak of nature due to his inability to control his magic and demons’ rage. His attempts to acclimate and hope to receive acceptance from his peers throughout his time at school were no better due to common knowledge of his blood’s mixed origins courtesy of his demon mother and supposed warlock father, he was ostracized. As isolation increased, so did the frequency of fights and threats, resulting in Louie’s development of a hot temper and the emergence of his shapeshifting beastly nature. This, in turn, honed his skills in hand-to-hand combat and transformed him into an expert dueler. A perk of being an outcast allowed him the time to further develop his talents and love for charms. 
             It was no wonder, Lucas, how he was easily able to swiftly climb the ranks of Emerald Serpents.  Partnered with a sub-unit leader gang lord Lucas made a reputation for himself in the criminal organization becoming one of the most notorious Merlins of his century. Lucas, a naïve and impressionable young man, pursued the one thing he desired above all else: power. He aimed to control his own life, to never feel weak and defenseless again.

When Lucas embarks on a romantic relationship with his gang leader’s partner, he undergoes a significant transformation, causing them to become sworn enemies. Louie attempts to escape the Emerald Serpents by faking his death and parting ways with his love, having discovered happiness beyond violence. After Louie faked his death to escape the gang, his love never arrived to rendezvous with him — instead, they went into hiding to avoid betraying him or being killed themselves.   
 He now serves his community as a legalized wizarding bounty hunter. He now travels across various magical worlds with his crew but in the back of his mind, he is still hoping, praying someday to find his soulmate once again.