Personal Message


dohee 28 seconds ago Reply
"hello motha duckas quack quack"
oh sehun [A] 3 seconds ago Reply
@park kyungri kyungrug noooona

park sooyoung [ h ] 22 seconds ago Reply

hi kyungri i love you the most out of all the other 
shim changmin [A] 4 minutes ago Reply
when I went to school today
my friend randomly called me an
and I deadpanned and said, "this is why I don't share my apple juice with you."
then my other friend deadpanned at me and replied, "you're such a child. who gives a about apple juice-
park choa 7 minutes ago Reply
is the new black
kim jongin [ sh ] 5 seconds ago Reply
im emotionally constipated.

i haven't given a in days
mark [A] 1 minute ago Reply
pets kyungrug
vacuums kyungrug
conditions kyungrug
beautiful rug

kim jiho 5 minutes ago Reply
kyungri is so cute it triggers my inner lesbian
Park Kyungri
Hello hello there person who decided to read my profile! If the name is confusing- my actual name is (Park) Kyungri and I'm the Lead vocalist turned Face and Main Vocal of the Model Idol Group 9MUSES :D and soon to join the Sub-Unit Amuse
If you're wondering why I am called Kyungrug... Don't ask me ecause I have no idea why I am called Kyungrug... I am guessing it's because people think I am dirty like a rug- or so I have heard but the name eventially stuck like glue and now I am a rug sometimes-
Honestly there is not too much to know about me other than some trivial stuff which isn't very interesting to some people--- unless you'd want to date me and give me super big surprise date or something which would be nice because I'm single and dying on the inside /coughs/ aNYWAYS don't be shy to drop a little starter on my wall unless it's copy and paste because I don't like copy paste starters
My name is Park Kyungri
I was born on July 5th 1990 in Busan
I am 5'7 (Tol)
I am a Biual person but I used to be straight- got boring
My favorite color is red because it's soft yet deep and y
I DIDN'T DO PS except double eyelids 
I'm very affectionate, expect some hugs and maybe a kiss on the cheek
I love cats--- I was probably a cat in the past life meowww
I like many types of music
Favorite group members are Hyemi and Hyuna
You're My Hero
Cras viverra eu lacus non convallis. Vestibulum mollis blandit neque, non lacinia libero egestas ut. Ut non mi metus. Pellentesque sem neque, mattis id mi vitae, porttitor varius libero. Donec porttitor ligula at vehicula blandit.
Cras sollicitudin tempor accumsan. Maecenas mollis aliquet magna, a tempor nibh facilisis id. Nulla ut ex dolor. Suspendisse non arcu vel mauris facilisis condimentum. Donec urna metus, mollis sed aliquet sit amet, imperdiet ut quam.
Friends for Life
















past dps


OHOHOSOYYYYYYThe legacy of Kyungrug