Personal Message
Before Dropping any roleplay advertisement here.
hello fellow stalker's. the names Avery. greetings to meet everyone. i've been
roleplaying for about 3 years now. i'm sure there isn't a lot of guy's that often
roleplays. But to let everyone know, I'm a dude. I like to roleplay, I don't know
why, guessing it's because my girlfriend introduced me to it. /shrugs. However,
I'm not very picky with roleplaying. But I will say that in your roleplay's either
Luhan, Myungsoo, Baekhyun Or Yoseob should at least be open. If not, and if I
find your roleplay interesting I could join as someone else. I don't know. But..I
will repeat again that I am a dude. Roleplaying isn't just all for girl's and I look
forward to roleplaying with alot of you guys. I do it often on asianfanfic so I am
pretty much getting the hank of how roleplay works around here. so feel free to
drop an advertisement here anytime. Just don't let it be too ual related or I
don't know. Just do what ever, It only depends on my instints people.