Personal Message


I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

(mainly because i'm lazy.)


I love a good roleplay. Why else am I on this site, you silly?

But, holy is it hard to find a decent group anymore.

Most of the past ones I've been in here have been nothing but OOC chatting, rude roleplayers.

As for myself?

I prefer one-on-one roleplays.

I can roleplay just about anything, within reason.

My style is normally 3rd person, multi-paragraph, but I like to cater to my roleplay partner's style. Say, if they can't come up with more than a paragraph, I'll do the same to make it easier on them.


So with that being said!

Don't forget to drop me a message if you'd like to have a one-on-one roleplay with me!


(Stay beautiful, loves!♥)