Personal Message
⥌ 万岁龙王国 ⥍ // Long Live the Dragon Kingdom ― pure historical/traditional AU Role Play
The simple translation is Long Live the Dragon Kingdom. This is completely made up like I said before and will be soon filled with commoners, villagers, middle class and upper class - which would be royalty. There will be rooms that will be separated into categories: The palace, The village and the outside world (beach, forest, etc) So this will give you many places to role-play. All I ask is that you have the best of times here, we want you to join out dragon blood family.
This isn't your typical historical AU Role Play. This is a place where everyone can be amazingly creative with this theme. We want you to delve deeper into your role-playing skills and go back in time into a dynasty that was created and made-up just for you to enjoy
- preferably straight, but and yuri and allowed
- strictly 3rd pov; 1st poc allowed ONLY on walls
- also in need of co-admins