Personal Message
love doesn't make the world go round,
love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Hi Toothfairy!
Hi Miss pretty ladeh! BWAHAHA YOU ARE SO CRAY CRAY! I KNOW YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT XD THAT'S WHY WE'RE BESTIES, RIGHT? HAHA. You are the half of me. ^ v ^ ehem. By the way, this nameless yeoja ( WHO ISH ME ^_____^ ) really loves you, okay? Dun forget that. And and dun forget me too! I will sob forevah If you will do that T^T anyways, thanks for ridng on my crazyness everytime! HAHA. Take care of yourself wherever you are, K? XD Saranghajaaa <3333
[] I love myself too XD kidding~ I love you mooooore!!
[] I love myself too XD kidding~ I love you mooooore!!