Personal Message
I'm Kat. c: My real name is Katy, pronounced Katie, but everyone calls me Kat cause it sounds cooler. I'm a cool cat. c; I like bubble tea, perfume, the color pink, shopping, and hello kitty! I also like cats. See what I did there. c8
I usually roleplay third pov because every roleplay I've been in was third pov, and I kinda find it weird to be playing in first person. I usually roleplay as the idols I look up to, and I will be one of the following in a roleplay: Taeyeon, Tiffany, Nana, Hyuna, Luna, or Sulli. Mostly Taeyeon though. c: My characters will either be somewhat similar, or totally different depending on what kind of character I feel like playing at the moment. I hope we are able to roleplay together and become friends ~