《 Club Eden 》 ● New club rp ● Now open! ○ New and accepting! ● Plenty of chars to choose from! ○

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Admin(s)dumber and jaebeez
Last post 10 years ago
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about us

Club Eden is the hottest nightlife clubbing spot in Seoul for people who want to have a good time. Playing just the right songs and selling the perfect drinks that will keep you coming back for more. Our eyecandy being the lovely HST for being the moodmakers and life of the party and famous events like the Kiss and Touch stickers. There is just no other club that can beat us as we keep reaching for number 1. Now, how about you join us? You wouldn't want to miss this opportunity do you? It's time to forget about your boring life style and hang out with the best. And it starts now.

news and updates

8. 03 .2014 We are still under construction. right? But don't worry just reserve for the muse you want so we can get this party started!

12.11.2013 Psed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

rules and regulations

1 Favorite the roleplay. Upvotes are appreciated.  2 1st and 3rd pov. Dear god no one-liners please.  3 Use the rooms. Bjoo didn't make them for them to be empty. 4  stays in rated m rooms, pm, and walls. 5 No godmodding. Do not be rude to people or i'll hunt you down. You got a week until you become inactive. 3 warnings and you're out.  6 No violence, , or anything of the sort unless the other agrees to it. No OOC drama but IC drama is loved.

how to join

a. Name:
b. Age:
c. Job:
d. Character description:
e. Password:
now playing...
Club Eden Mixtape
rp admins
newest members
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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funtom 10 years ago
kyungsoo is leaving ...
too busy.
versus 10 years ago
Soohyuk left, sorry. Going to cut off a bit of my rp's life.
Thanks for having me here anyway.
KUSHPANDA182 10 years ago
Applied as Chansung
KUSHPANDA182 10 years ago
can you reserve Hwang chansung for me please? thanks!
funtom 10 years ago
applied as kyungsoo.
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
reserve td hansol for me please~

and kyungsoo for ciel-phantomhive
youngksgirl 10 years ago
please add and reserve
sistar's hyorin. < 3 c:
versus 10 years ago
reserve Lee Soohyuk for me
iwaizumi 10 years ago
please reserve luhan.
86ade7072c6bfd55909f 10 years ago
reserve sehun
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