1. This is a 3rdPOV roleplay. One liners are a no-no, we appreciate literacy.
2. After being accepted, post up, "character's name is ready to kill zombies." in the ADMIN NOTICES room.
This isn't for us, this is for you. If the rper before you was inactive, you will immediately be inactive. It will also let other rpers know that there's someone new.
3. , & violence is allowed, with both rpers' agreement, except for deaths.
4. Mpreg is not allowed, no baby zombies its my nightmare e n e
5. No godmodding, it's a turn off.
6. Pick only one position!
7. Days inactivity: 15 days. You only get 3 warnings.
8. Please comment or inform Yongguk if you go on a hiatus and when you'r'e back.
9. Inform us when you're leaving, comment or pm.
10. Check the rooms with '✖' before joining.
11. Use rooms, don't make the roleplay seem dead.
12. Favorite to get our announcements, upvotes are embraced and appreciated e u e
Password #2: Survive.
Phasellus hendrerit malesuada felis vel placerat. Donec iaculis tempor leo sed tincidunt. Donec tortor erat, vestibulum id orci vitae, sagittis tempus sapien. Quisque eget libero semper, interdum nunc quis, convallis augue. Fusce enim eros, elementum id risus at, scelerisque mollis est.
Donec iaculis tempor leo sed tincidunt. Donec tortor erat, vestibulum id orci vitae, sagittis tempus sapien. Quisque eget libero semper, interdum nunc quis, convallis augue. Fusce enim eros, elementum id risus at, scelerisque mollis est.
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